24: britney/brittany

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Glee Club was back to normal after we managed to not get any new recruits, Dad didn't want us to dwell on what could have been so he jumped into our first lesson of the year

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Glee Club was back to normal after we managed to not get any new recruits, Dad didn't want us to dwell on what could have been so he jumped into our first lesson of the year. We were all excited about what this year would bring because we had managed to have weeks exploring the legends that are Madonna and Lady Gaga; we couldn't wait to hear what our first assignment would be but we had all been let down.

"Alright, who can tell me who Christopher Cross is?"

"He discovered America." Brittany said confidently and Finn nodded in agreement, I didn't have the energy to tell him that it was wrong.

"Close, he did write an iconic chart topper 'Sailing.'"

"I have a bad feeling about this lesson." Kurt mumbled from behind me and for once, I agreed with him, he was my Dad and I had no idea who Christopher Cross was.

"Never heard of him, don't want to hear about him." Tina said, not as quietly because she wanted everyone to agree with her and in a way, we did, because he didn't sound like the type of person to wear a meat dress.

"Now, some people think of the term 'easy listening' as a bad thing but I'm going to let this music speak for itself. You guys love Lady Gaga, the Rolling Stones and you guys are really good about putting it all out there. But really good music can also be controlled and restrained. It doesn't have to attack an audience; it can let them come to you."

Dad handed out sheet music and I recognised the song straight away; I just didn't know that Christopher Cross had been the guy to write or sing it. Dad always sang this to me because New York was the one place that we wanted to visit together and if we got to Nationals this year then our dream would come true.

"How can you get caught between the moon and New York City, they're like a hundred miles apart?"

"Mr Schue, if I may?" Kurt raised his hand and we all prepared ourselves for whatever long speech he was going to give us, we were all used to it by now. "I think I speak for all of us when I say it's not that we don't love the idea of spending a week on this silky-smooth adult contemporary, it's just that as teens, this isn't the easiest music for us to relate to. However, there is a burgeoning Facebook campaign that has swelled to over 5 members. The ardent demand that this week at the fall homecoming assembly, the McKinley High School Glee Club perform number by, wait for it, Ms Britney Spears!"

The whole room erupted because we loved the idea of a Britney week. Despite the fact that many parents believed that she wasn't a good role model and she had a lot of negative aspects, she created chart topping music with a message of empowerment and believing in yourself. I had always loved her music and had tried to copy the choreography from several of her music videos, in the hope that it would help me as a cheerleader.

"Sorry Kurt no, I don't think she's a very good role model."

"You let us do Madonna." I argued, not wanting to upset my Dad but also hoping to change his mind because he had let us do far worse before.

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