59: big brother

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The wedding between Finn and Rachel never happened, she had wanted to wait for Quinn so they missed their slot and then we were informed that there had been an accident

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The wedding between Finn and Rachel never happened, she had wanted to wait for Quinn so they missed their slot and then we were informed that there had been an accident. We were all so shocked that once the wedding had been cancelled, we all just went straight home and tried to make sense of what had happened. I understood that the couple wanted to get married so that they could experience something that would stay with them for life but it was too rushed and I was glad that they hadn't gone ahead with it because I still thought it was too soon.

Finn and Rachel explained that they were going to stay engaged and get married once they were ready, at some point in the future and I was glad that they'd come to that decision. I could tell that she felt guilty about the accident, Quinn had gone home to get the bridesmaid dress for her wedding so I knew she'd feel bad about it but it wasn't Rachel's fault. In all seriousness, Quinn shouldn't have been texting and driving but there was nothing we could do about it now. We just had to hope that she was going to be okay.

"Hey." Sam smiled, joining me as I walked to the choir room. "I haven't talked to you since the wedding, are you okay?"

The truth was we hadn't spoken since the wedding because I didn't really know what to say, we became an official couple on what was supposed to be a really happy day and then it ended with his ex-girlfriend and my ex-best friend getting into a car accident. Things hadn't felt right and I didn't want to rush anything with our relationship when I didn't even know if Quinn was okay.

"Yeah, sorry, I've just been thinking about everything."

"You don't want to break up, do you? Oh God, this is not what I wanted to happen, now we're back together, we're not supposed to break up-"

"Sam, I'm not breaking up with you." I interrupted him, stopping him from walking away by holding his hand gently. "I was just thinking that we should take things slow. The wedding was a mistake and it felt rushed, I just want to enjoy the rest of this year with everyone."

"Good." He sighed, swinging our intertwined hands as we carried on walking to the choir room. "And I completely understand where you're coming from, we're teenagers, we're not supposed to get married yet. Have you heard anything about Quinn?"

"No, my Dad and I tried to visit her but the hospital said only family could go through, have you?"

He shook his head. "I've been praying for her, but I haven't heard anything."

We entered the choir room, noticing most of the other members of the Glee Club were already sat in their chairs. Sam sat down and gestured me, with his head, to sit in the chair next to him, as we waited for my Dad to start the lesson but we were surprised to hear the music from the band as our questions about Quinn were answered. She came wheeling into the room, singing an Elton John classic with Artie.

I'm still standing
Performed by Artie & Quinn

"Here's a lesson for your board, Mr Schue. Don't text and drive, ever. It's the stupidest thing I've ever done; besides sleeping with Puck." We all laughed at the comment as Puck tried his best not to look embarrassed about it. "There's a lot of rumours floating around, so let's clear the air. First of all, all my plumbing still works which is awesome and I'm starting to regain feeling, so with a lot of physical therapy and your prayers, I stand a good chance for full recovery. So, no tears, that means you Tina. I promise that by the time we go to Nationals, I'll be out of this chair and dancing on that stage."

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