39: night of neglect

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We were all proud of ourselves after we won Regionals and wrote two incredible original songs that would live on in Glee Club history

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We were all proud of ourselves after we won Regionals and wrote two incredible original songs that would live on in Glee Club history. We were also proud that we had managed to beat Coach Sylvester and Aural Intensity despite them knowing the judges and changing their setlist to suit the judges. But I got a little bit worried when Becky told me that I had to speak to Sue in her office immediately.

Was she going to blackmail me into doing something, because if so, I would argue against her because she doesn't control me anymore? I quit the Cheerio's back when we performed the halftime show and she was furious that the most talented members of her team quit, then she lost Regionals which hit her ego hard. I wasn't a Cheerio anymore and I wasn't going to let her boss me around, that was until I knocked on her office door and felt terrified again.

"Schuester, take a seat." She said as I listened to what she said and sat opposite her. "I should hate you. You willingly gave up captain to Q, even though you were better, just because you felt bad and you quit my squad just to perform at a halftime show in Glee Club which caused me to lose my first Regionals in years."

I kept my eyes trained on the floor, scared that if I made eye contact then she would do something horrible to me or make me cry like she had treated some of the other girls before me.

"But weirdly, I don't hate you. Sure, you're the offspring of Butt-chin but you're a good kid. You're a talented kid, and unlike the other girls who wear the uniform for attention, you wear it because you actually enjoy the sport. Which is why you're back on the team."

"I'm not quitting Glee Club." I frowned, trying to stand my ground but my voice came out shaky.

"I didn't ask you to. I said that you're back on the team and I'm making you captain."

My jaw dropped. "What?"

"You heard me, now, go and get changed. Practise starts in ten minutes."

I nodded quickly and stood up. "Thank you so much Coach, you won't regret this."

"I know." She muttered and I noticed her slightly smile at me, even though she hated my Dad and the Glee Club, she was nice to me and I appreciated it. Maybe it was because I actually wanted the Cheerio's to win and didn't want to be a part of the team just to receive attention from boys.

I went straight to the bathroom and changed into my uniform. It had felt weird, the past few weeks, not wearing it but now I was excited to be a part of the squad again. I tightened my ponytail and slipped my lucky red scrunchie over my wrist, before making my way down the corridor. People parted like the red sea as I made my way to practise and although I didn't become a cheerleader for that reason, it still felt good.

"Olivia, I almost didn't recognise you." Sam pulled me back, pulling me out of my daydream.

"Hey Sam, guess what? Coach Sylvester let me back on the team and she made me captain."

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