36: blame it on the alcohol

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Something I never thought I'd be doing: attending a Rachel Berry party in her basement

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Something I never thought I'd be doing: attending a Rachel Berry party in her basement. I had been convinced by Mike and Tina that I needed a party to stop me from being upset about Sam and the fact that I had really hurt his feelings by not telling him about the cheating scandal.

So, I agreed to come. I put on a nice dress, did my hair and makeup and arrived, just to find that it was the worst party that I'd ever been to. Rachel didn't want to play the music too loud in case the neighbours complained, she didn't want us to touch anything in case we broke it and she wasn't serving any alcohol because she didn't want us to get drunk.

I was sat on the sofa next to Santana, who was picking the thread on her jacket, Sam was sat opposite us, staring at the ceiling. Artie was trying to think of excuses to leave with Tina and Mike, and Brittany was floating around the room because she didn't know what to do. Then more guests arrived as Rachel led Finn, Kurt and Blaine into the basement.

"Okay, let's go over the rules. Everybody gets two drink tickets to keep things from getting out of hand. We're serving wine coolers today, that is our speciality drink."

At that point everyone started grabbing their coats because they wanted to leave but Puck saved the night by breaking into her Dad's liquor cabinet so that we could all drink. Well, I wasn't, because I needed to be sober when my Dad picked me up but everyone else was drinking. The music was turned all the way up and everyone was dancing with bottles in their hands.

Finn nudged me as I stood next to the empty bar. "Having fun?"

"Not really, but it beats watching crime documentaries with my Dad." I noticed his cup. "Aren't you drinking?"

"No, I'm the designated driver, what about you?"

"My Dad would kill me if I didn't come home sober." I laughed and he smiled at me.

"Look, I'm sorry that you had to lie to Sam, I know how much you like him."

I shook my head. "Don't apologise, you didn't force me to lie, I made that decision myself. Besides, he won't hate me forever."

"He won't hate you at all, trust me, it's literally impossible to hate you."

Then we were ambushed by Rachel, who was wearing an unusual outfit for a party and seemed to be all over Finn, as if they had never broken up. I decided to let him deal with it because I didn't want an angry drunk Rachel to think that I was stealing her 'boyfriend' away from her.

I sat on the sofa just as Sam landed beside me, he was already drunk and seemed to be forgetting that he hated me. He rested his head on my shoulder to take a power nap before he was okay to dance again. Blaine landed on the sofa opposite us and awed as he sipped his own drink.

"How long have you two been together?"

I almost spat my drink out. "We're not together."

Sam slapped my arm. "Yes, we are, don't lie to him."

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