54: yes/no

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Dad entered the choir room with a skip in his step as he smiled from ear to ear

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Dad entered the choir room with a skip in his step as he smiled from ear to ear. I wasn't sure if I wanted to know what caused his happy mood or not so I just stayed quiet and sat next to Tina, who was busy fixing Mike's hair even though I hadn't seen anything wrong with it.

"Finn, give me a drumroll!" He pointed over to where Finn was sat on the drums and began writing 'Marry Me' on the whiteboard. "Yes, I'm proposing to Miss Pillsbury. This is the kind of news that you share with your family, and you guys are my family."

"What, no heads up first?" I joked, not really annoyed but thought I should share my surprise. "Sometimes I think you forget that I'm your daughter."

Tina shook her head, laughing at me. "Mr Schue, we're really happy for you."

"We totally don't think you'll screw it up this time." Quinn added, hinting back to his relationship with my Mom.

"Here's the thing, it's got to be perfect. I'm sitting down with Emma's parents to ask for permission and then this proposal needs to knock her well-washed socks off. That's where you guys come in, okay? So, the assignment for this week is to come up with a proposal number."

Already, there were several ideas floating round my head and I turned to see Tina with the same look on her face. She wanted to come up with the best number too, so we decided to join forces to help my Dad with one of the biggest days in his life. I couldn't believe it was really happening, my Dad was finally happy and he was going to get his happy ending with Emma. Someone, I hadn't been very nice to in the beginning but now loved as a second Mom.

"Well, you can count on us Mr Schue."

I packed my notebook and pen away; this rehearsal hadn't been what I was expecting but I was glad that my Dad had finally come to his senses and realised how lucky he was that Emma liked him so much. She was amazing and it only made sense to propose, I couldn't wait for her to be a part of our family. I stood up, to leave the choir room but only made it as far as the piano before Sam stopped me by grabbing my arm gently.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked hesitantly, rubbing the back of his neck.

Our Christmas had been the best one yet, after driving to Kentucky with Sam and spending the week with his family, I hadn't realised how much I would enjoy myself. I'd helped his Mom cook the dinner, talked to his Dad about football and how I'd played a game last year, taught Stacey some cheerleading moves and helped Stevie with his homework. There had been a few awkward moments between me and Sam, like when we had to explain that we weren't back together or when we accidentally walked under mistletoe and I had to kiss him on the cheek.

We hadn't talked since he dropped me off at the apartment after returning to Ohio, but I guessed that at some point he'd want to talk to me. I just hadn't expected him to corner me straight after my Dad announced that he was going to propose.

"Thank you, again for inviting me to come with you to Kentucky." I smiled at him as we leant against the piano. "It was the best Christmas ever."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, because it was just a taster for the rest of our lives. I wasn't lying about us getting back together, I just have to win your trust back."

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