53: extraordinary merry christmas

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Winning Sectionals was the biggest reward for the New Directions after losing some of our best performers but after talking to my Dad and pleading for my friends to be welcomed back, he agreed to let them re-join our group

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Winning Sectionals was the biggest reward for the New Directions after losing some of our best performers but after talking to my Dad and pleading for my friends to be welcomed back, he agreed to let them re-join our group. He even allowed the Troubletones to perform one song at the next competition so that they could have their moment on stage without the rest of us interrupting.

Of course, everyone was convinced that our win only happened because of our newest member which I agreed we owed him some congratulations but he wasn't the sole reason that we won. Maybe it was just because I was bitter about our relationship that I didn't want to admit how much we had needed him, but he didn't seem to mind how annoyed I was at him. He ignored the constant eye rolling and the scowls that I sent his way, and continued to try and get closer to me.

He was still adamant that we would get back together because we both still had lingering feelings for each other. I still loved him and he knew that, but it takes me a while to trust someone and he lost my trust when he lied to me and broke my heart. Coming back here and thinking that I would just forget all of that was stupid, because he knew how fragile my feelings were and I was still holding a grudge with him.

However, this week we were celebrating Christmas as the temperature outside got colder and we all began wearing scarves and hats to school. Christmas was a time of forgiving and love, as you spent time with your friends and family but it felt weird because this would be my first Christmas without my Mom. Last year, had been when they divorced, so I saw her in the afternoon on Christmas day but this year she was in Miami and I wasn't going to see her. Hence, my first Christmas without my Mom.

Someone else who was feeling sad about Christmas was Rory, I hadn't talked to him much because I had been busy with Sam drama and sorting out the Cheerio's but I knew about him because he was living with Brittany. He was a foreign exchange student from Ireland, and he was staying here for Christmas which meant that he wasn't going to be with his family either.

Blue Christmas
Performed by Rory

The song was beautiful and he had a really good voice. But most people wanted to celebrate Christmas with happy songs and dancing, so they thought the performance was really depressing and unnecessary when this holiday was supposed to be a joyous occasion.

Santana sighed heavily as she leaned back in her chair. "God, that song was depressing. I may actually be dead right now."

"I think what Santana means, is although that was mournfully beautiful, now that the Glee Club is back together, I think we should focus on the more joyous and pageant aspect of the holiday season."

"Rachel's right, last Christmas was super sad. Kurt was at another school, Coach Sylvester trashed everything and Artie got a pair of magic legs that broke the next day." Tina listed and we all nodded in agreement, forgetting about the magic legs that appeared in the choir room which lasted a day.

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