No longer a feisty one

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In honor of Katsuki Bakugou's birthday being today 4/20/20 I will write a chapter!! That means hes 17 but in here hes still 15 going on 16.
Hope you enjoy~

Before getting into UA:

"Hey mom is it cool if Y/n and I go out while we wait for the mail to get here?" Denki Kaminari the oldest of the Kaminari twins by 2 minutes asked his mother if the two may go out.

"Yes you can I expect you to take care of Y/n well" their mother was washing the dishes from lunch earlier. "You know Im right here and I can hear you." Y/n was sitting on the couch reading her favorite book listening in on the oddly loud duo.

"Of course I do sweetie that's why I am saying it!" They mother said "sweetly" but there was peer sarcasm dripping from her mouth.

Y/n rolled her eyes and Denki was about to speak up but an annoying shriek had interrupted him. "Ahhhh that isn't fair!!!! If they are going out I need to go too!!!" It was the little satan spawn herself. Azami the smallest sibling of the family. (He doesn't really have a little sister in the anime but it's fanfiction).

Her name naturally meant thistle flower when really it should have been whistle blower because man is she loud. Extra too. The family loved her still maybe more than others.

Denki and Azami were always the favorites for some reason. They always considered Y/n a weird girl and the middle child since she was born after Denki but before Azami. People never liked her or she didn't fit in. A "problem child" as the mother would say.

Then again it was technically the mothers fault for getting pregnant in the first place. Who can blame y/n. She's a child.

"Sorry Azami you can't go you'll just be another bother like Denki" Y/n started walking towards her family members. "Heyy that's rude" Denki played back crossing his arms over his chest. "What it's true" she chuckled and soon the two were sticking their tounges out at each other.

"Please y/n if anything you're the one that shouldn't be going for being this problematic and mean to your siblings." She always got mad but wasn't very scary. "Yes you may go Azami let Denki take care of you" she wiped her hands and walked to turn the television on. Azami smiled at Y/n in victory.

Y/n let out a small and quiet groan before heading towards the counter to get water. Denki whispered a small sorry for being loud mouthed. Y/n mouthed a small its fine back at him.

Soon the three children were ready to go out and y/n grabbed the keys in case they were out late. "See you later mom!" Denki was always the nice and clueless type when it came to people's emotions. Y/n hated that but didn't mind it. She loves her brother Denki, probably the best family member.

The three were walking down the side walk to the twins favorite place. "Huh where are we going?" Azami asked out of the blue. "Couldn't you have asked us when we were getting in trouble?!" Y/n was very angry.

"I dont care" the little girl stuck her tounge out. The two sisters were quite the feisty and fierce types and poor Denki was in the middle of it all.
"Come on girls don't fight we're just going to Sundae Anyday!" (Not a real place.) "Yay okay!" Anyone would say she gets away with anything and everything.

Arriving at the place of sweet and cold treats in 13 minutes the trio sat down in a booth. Denki with Azami and Y/n alone. Azami got mint ice cream, Denki har chosen vanilla, and Y/n got (favorite flavor).

By the time they were all finished they decided to chat. And by they I mean the older siblings. Azami got Denkis phone and played Minecraft.

"So how did you feel you did on the entrance exam?" Y/n asked her brother interested in what he had to say. "Eh I mean I think I did pretty good, I didn't short circuit until I was finished and that's always a good sign" he smiled. "Yeah right no kidding" y/n started to laugh until Denki joined her.

"Yeah yeah whatever how do you think you did is the real question?" He asked his sister. "I mean I tried my best and im really excited to see if I got in the hero class 1A. Aren't you Denki?" She said with a big smile and already really excited thinking about it.

"I have high hopes to get in but if I don't it won't really matter at least im in the school UA." He shrugged his shoulders. "Well I hope I get in so I can finally get to the dream of becoming a real hero!" "Haha yeah I'll be cheering you on Y/n!" They both gave each other a high five across the table.

"Hey Azami what time is it?" Denki had asked his younger sister since she had his phone. "Huh oh its 7:18" she tapped away on the screen. "What already that late?!" The two twins looked outside to see the beautiful night sky. "Well good thing the shop closes at 10:30" Denki said. "Yup but I think it's time to go home, besides we want to be ready for school!" Y/n was so excited to see if she got into her dream class.

Denki was more of the "whatever" kinda kid. This meant that yeah he has dreams and hopes to get things but if he doesn't or something goes wrong he won't really care. That's where the two were kind of opposites.

"Yeah come on Azami give me my phone" he held his hand out. "Ugh fine" she gave it back only for the boy to see it was at 12 percent. "Hey y/n text mom to say were going home." The exited the shop and y/n texted her mom.

When they were all one block away the mother still hadn't answered her daughters text. But if it was Denki it would be a different story. But supposedly she doesnt have favorites.

They all arrived home and their father had opened the door. "Hey my munchkins we have a suprise~" he said with a smile. "Wow really where?!" The littlest was the most excited. Once the father told him it wasnt for her she just huffed and went to watch cartoons on the television.

"Y/n, Denki your results are on the counter!!" Both of their eyes lit up in excitement and they both ran to grab a seat and sit by the counter.

Their parents were in front of them hugged each other waiting for them. "Well go on you two open them!" The mother cheered. "Alright Denki you go first!" "Okay!" The male carefully opened the envelope and out came a small hologram.

"Ha ha ha hello Denki Kaminari you have been accepted as a student at UA for your wonderful performance in the exams and will be joining class 1A, well see you tomorrow up and early!"

"Waaaahhh THAT WAS ALL MIGHT!!" The two kids were screaming and Denki was very happy. "Oh my son good job im so proud I knew you could do it!!" The mother was kissing and hugging her son to death. "Heh thanks mom" he was smiling.

"Go on y/n open yours" her dad said. She slowly and carefully opened the envelope. Out came another small hologram just like Denkis and there was a different person?

"Hello im Vlad King and I will be you teacher this year since you have been accepted to class 1B I appreciate you in my class and expect to see you in the morning." It had ended.

"Oh y/n um" Denki started but she stopped him. "It's fine I mean at least I got in right?" She showed a big smile.
"Well I don't want to be late tomorrow so im going to check in for the night bye" she walked up the stairs with her family members eyes on her.

And as soon as she reached the door to her room she layed on her bed and cried.

She was no longer A feisty one.

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