Stupid Second Gift 🍈

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I know you guys hate these but imma keep doing them. 🍈 means lime, sexual mature content. You have been warned. Enjoy ~

The Bakugou residence less to say was, a complete loud mess. Even d/n was in his own corner.

From besides you, Bakugou was just plain on cursing his mother. Mitsuki was getting angry at her son as well, causing it to be even louder with the short tempered blondes.

Masaru was looking at the scene as well, stealing a glance of your shocked state once.

The calm Bakugou chuckled. "Don't worry or let them scare you Y/n. Their always crazy like this." He reassured you with all the background noise.

"It's quite alright. I've never been to a place this lively before." You smiled at him.

Mitsuki and Bakugou's bickering came to a stop when she had finally used that hand to smack him on the head.

"Why the hell did you do that?!" Bakugou yelled, halfway off his seat. "You idiot you think I'd let that slide with someone here?! Your dead wrong, sit down Katsuki!" She pointed to the seat next to you.

Bakugou mumbled some curse words before holding his head and sitting back down. You giggled lightly because he technically lost.

"Stop fucking giggling." He whispered, facing his head lowered to see you. "Um no. You obeyed her like a dog." You acted like you had thought about the answer, and no stutters.

His crimson red eyes widened at your boldness moment. He clicked his tongue with mixed emotions. "Alright then." He sighed and looked back at his parents, hiding down a smirk deep inside.

D/n was now thinking in his dog brain that the obedient Bakugou just now was his brother.

Mitsuki went to her seat with a whole new different demeanor. "Now that that's over. Y/n dear I can't believe you chose Katsuki, but whatever suits you, don't argue with me." She added quickly in her words, pointing at her son.

Bakugou who was rising slowly in his seat, heard her words, with a he huffed and sat again. You bit your inside bottom lip to keep in a laugh from escaping.

"That's what I thought." She glared at him, then turned back on you. The angry dark aura surrounding her was now gone. A cute little pink one with flowers flew all around her as she gave you her brightest most innocent smile.

You wanted to run as she gave you all her attention. Screw that, as Bakugou's parents both stared at you with a smile.

"Fucking weird people looking like animatronic doll smiles." Bakugou quietly said, you were the only one that heard for a reason.

You shook off his words and returned their gesture with a sheepish smile. "Um I uh hehe." You didn't know what to say, tongue feeling numb.

"So how long have you two been dating?"
Mitsuki said with a cheeky smile. "Go easy on them darling. No need to be timid Y/n, you can consider us as family." Masaru said patting his wife's leg.

You felt the heavy weight on your chest calm down, it slowly went again as you felt Bakugou's hand secretly link into your grasp, holding it tightly.

"I uh actually d-don't k-" someone had stopped your disaster waiting to happen. "Three months." Bakugou said with a calm face.

Your eyes lit up out of your sockets at his answer. "My three months?! Well that's enough to get every approval you could receive from me! I simply can't wait for you to be Mrs. Bakugou wouldn't that be just amazing?!" Mitsuki held her chest, wiping a fake tear from her eye.

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