Jesus, everyone needs him

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If you know how to do this activity, I'm sorry you don't here. Enjoy~

The sign on the shop plaza said 'Roller Skating Rink'.

Oh heck no. Your brain already decided that you needed to run away. Your feet made noise on the gravel as you slightly slipped away.

Mina's grip on you opposed at your actions.

"Oh no you don't Y/n. Everyone is going on." She said with a stern voice, her face showed a joyful expression.

The group was looking inside and at the sign closely.

"But I don't know how to swim." Denki said with a scared look. "Dumbass it's skating not swimming!" Bakugou started to get mad again.

You looked over at him from your side. Does he know how to skate? "I-I meant skate don't kill me yet!" Denki frantically waved his hands before using Shinsou as a human shield.

"How do we all know how to fight and train to be heroes but some of you can't skate?" Kirishima asked swaying his head.

"Doesn't matter of you know how or not! I booked the rink just for us today you all have to go!" Mina plead like a child with a pout.

You all eventually agreed, because if you didn't, she would for sure summon some type of demon.

"I-I but." You tried to speak but couldn't as Mina pulled you, you felt paralyzed.

"Nope! You're not leaving now Y/n! Bakugou will save you!" She said making a small kiss noise. Your cheeks flamed up again with embarrassment.

"T-that's even w-worse!" You covered your face and Mina pushed your back inside. The hell am I doing. You sighed internally.


Inside was a weird colorful mess.

"It looks like a parade threw up in here." Jirou said facepalming.

"That's not even half of it. This place looks like a kindergartner's art piece." Sero added on to the females sentence.

The shark like boy was so close to fainting on the spot from laughter.

"Stop." Mina kicked his shin. "Gah! Alright miss bossy pants, geez." Kirishima listened not wanting an early death.

"This is going to be so fun! Right guys?!" Mina stood in front of everyone with a happy manor. She turned around to see them.

But the group behind had very different feelings towards roller skating.

The croc legend was the only supporting everyone with a sharp teethed grin. Why vape when you can tape was awkwardly giving her a thumbs up. Earphones just wanted to go home and watch something, she was dragged her against her own will.

Denki looked extremely nervous, half of it because he was probably gay panicking. Shinsou looked bloody tired, his stance was all dropped. Less to say, he was dragged here as well.

Then there were the two people for this whole plan, you and Bakugou.

You were quietly standing next to him, anxious on the inside for what was to occur. Bakugou looked unfazed by everything. He was just irritated.

With you next to him, the aura changed. He was still stuck up, but he didn't decide to pick fights and go savage on the idiots.

"You guys are such party poopers! Get your skates and let's go!" Mina waved her arm towards the skates area.

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