sPiCy Sheets 🍋

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I saw a theory on this and I am in awe so we are using it. 🍋 means lemon, mature content. Enjoy ~

"This might be crazy but to the first person that died, who decided that we humans don't live forever?" Hitoshi suddenly said while throwing his lunch away.

Kirishima spit out his water and it dripped all over Sero.

"Brush your damn teeth bro. Water is not going to help you floss." Sero said as Jirou handed him a towel.

Kirishima's red eyes went serious. "You really think you're cool or something always bullying me. This sleep deprived dude here just hit the blunt." He pointed a finger towards him.

"Hit the blunt? Aren't you supposed to do this or something?" Hitoshi asked and everyone stared at him.

He picked his arm up and did the whip dance move plainly, Hitoshi shrugged after.

Mina rubbed her temples. "You got the right idea, but the wrong person. Please don't do that for the love of god." The pink alien said praying with her two hands together.

"What makes you think I'm friends with god? If anything I'm taking Neito with me to hell." He spoke motioning towards the male with cadet grey eyes.

"Oh yeah it's going to be lit with me there! Kneel peasants kneel!" He smiled but his facial expression spoke sinister.

Hitoshi nodded. "You see the evidence? From Denki's words of Bakugou and Y/n's messing around, who knows if I have photos or anything." A creepy smirk went onto his dry crusty face.

Your eyes went as huge as saucers and you almost spit your drink out.

Katsuki flinched hearing you choke a little.

"Are you fucking good?" He asked trying to keep an annoyed face showing everyone, but it was still half way meeting with worry for you.

"Y-yeah I'm good." You said slowly wiping your mouth from some water sparks that flew out.

"Aww look at how cute! Bakugou's worried for his pretty girlfriend Y/n!" Mina swooned snapping a picture with flash.

"N-no! That's besides the point! Hitoshi why would you say that, do you r-really?" You asked with a nervous tone in your voice.

"I guess we'll never know." He said making you even more confused and nervous.

"Shinsou you need to tell me now! Do you have pictures or not? I need them for my sPiCy album. I only have one picture of Bakugou holding Y/n underwater." She said adding the last words, her face turned sly into a Lenny one.

"Y-your insane delete it!" You said with a red hot face. "Sorry but no can do Y/n! I'm saving this till the day I die!" Mina quickly hid her phone away from where you would be able to see it.

"Yeah it doesn't matter how pretty you are my lovely Y/n! We'll stay with you all your life until I finally have a solid plan of world domination. We can take over in thrones together!" Neito laughed and patted your shoulder.

"Touch her and do that and you die." Katsuki suddenly entered the conversation with a deadly red void.

"Woah calm down ticking time bomb, don't pull out the nine. And besides, I'm bulletproof. In a one on one fight I will definitely win." Neito winked and smiled.

Katsuki had an irk mark appear on his forehead.

"It's sad that Bakugou's dating Y/n, but yet people are still trying to get them to change their mind after all the things we saw." Jirou spoke sipping her tea.

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