The End (but actually) 🍋

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Okay last one promise. No really last chapter I'm sad and happy, I can always do a continuation in the future! 🍋 mature content. Note at end. Enjoy ~

Katsuki was just plain on mad.

Then again when isn't he angry at people.

This time he had to keep his anger pent up inside of him and try not to burst out yelling at everyone.

Katsuki was only doing it for you. He already had everything planned when you told him your plan about being nice.

Why the hell do I have to be nice to people? Cant the people just not talk to me or something? Katsuki asked himself clicking his pen.

"Hey bro give me another compliment before we leave class." Kirishima whispered from across the class.

Mr. Aizawa who was writing on the board heard the loud voice, he just didn't care. All he was thinking about really was sleep.

Katsuki felt a vein want to pop out in his forehead. He gritted his teeth to prevent that from actually appearing out.

"I like you better when your being quite." Bakugou said not even sparing a glance already wanted to rage at all of the students in the class.

It's funny because neither one of them was paying attention, maybe because the lesson was a recap.

Kirishima blinked his red orbs and shrugged. "Eh I'll take it." He went back to thinking of himself as a more manly person.

"Stupid deal that I agreed to." Katsuki mumbled to himself and just wanted to punch everyone after the deal was finally over.

"U-um K-Kacchan c-can y-you move y-your head a b-bit? I-I can't u-uh see t-the notes." A certain green haired boy stuttered from behind him.

Katsuki's crimson red eye twitched as he slowly turned his head back meeting the broccoli reincarnation.

"D-don't kill me it's okay!" Midoriya yelled frantically and covered himself for dear life.

"Tch, hurry the fuck up." Katsuki clicked his tongue and moved his head slightly so he could see.

Everyone had been praying for Midoriyas dear life and they let out a relieved sigh.

"He really is Bakugone." Sero snickered and Katsuki wanted to blow his entire face up.

Dammit. I really wish I had her quirk right now. Katsuki thought thinking of your calm palm that always managed to put him in a controlled mood.

Meanwhile in the class over, you were having the best time.

"No wonder he doesn't care about me! I know everyone likes me that's why. I bet he's in need of your quirk right now!" Neito laughed wanting to see your boyfriends pain.

Hitoshi snorted on accident hearing as he was praising himself for people actually liking him.

The snort quickly went away as Hitoshi almost stabbed his eye with his pencil. Correction, he did stab himself and was crying fake tears.

You couldn't help but laugh seeing his full enjoyment of your little challenge that you had given Katsuki.

"Yeah sure everyone likes you. Do you really want to see him suffering that much?" You asked patting his head and Neito laughed.

"You like me especially Y/n! That's why we'll always stick together as partners! And Hitoshi of course too but you need sleep first my dude." Neito said patting his shoulder as Hitoshi sketched out the bullets on the project.

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