Owed Debt

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Me: no not money. Also me: KiNky-*slapped*. I'm weird, and I'll call you all out, you are too, I love it. Enjoy~

You had three boys staring intently at you. All giving good reasons for work.

Never in your entire life had you thought you would be in this position.

"Hey uh Y/n you need another pencil?" Denki opened the door without permission as his words slowly died down in his sentence.

Shinsou moved his lavender eyes to Denki's bright yellow ones before looking at you again.

Blushing light pink, Denki dropped the pencil. "Y-yeah I'm just gonna go." He awkwardly said and slammed the door right on his fingers.

"This bodies killing me softly." He meekly said running back to his room, careful to not slip and fall on his head like last time with his corgi puppy socks.

You glanced at the dropped pencil and turned to the boys awkwardly. "W-well um h-he um, y-yeah." You nervously laughed, twiddling with your thumbs.

Bakugou rolled his slightly irritated crimson red eyes. "Your words made no sense dumbass." He blankly said.

Monoma covered his mouth to reduce a laugh. Shinsou's mouth turned upwards as he titled his head to the side.

"B-be quiet! Y-you try making a decision that's decent enough to please everyone!" You snapped at him with a growing cheery red face.

Bakugou did his signature smirk. That's so hot what the hell?! You mentally wanted to slap yourself for thinking that.

"That's an easy choice, me." He sternly said in a very deep voice. "Haha no short tempered gremlin. Sweet Y/n should choose me. I'm obviously the best, I'm practically irresistible to her!" Monoma said with an evil lurking smile.

The ash blondes crimson red eyes twitched. "Sweet Y/n? What the hell why would you think that stupid piece of crap?!" Bakugou shouted, palms beginning to ignite in a bursting orange color.

"Me? A piece of crap? Oh angry ticking time bomb you flatter me!" Monoma touched his forehead as if to be wounded. Sarcasm dripping from his teeth.

Poor sleep deprived Shinsou, in the middle of it all. Yet, he wasn't even trying to stop it.

"Do something!" You whispered as the two bickered away. "Fine. You take your man and I got this sadistic freak." Shinsou said pulling Monoma away.

His words caused you to madly blush fifty shades of red, fireworks bursted on your cheeks. My man?! You yelled in your head while quickly walking up to Bakugou.

Taking in a deep breath you placed two palms on his sleeve. Even with the uniform on, you could feel his strong muscles. What does he do at home damn he's good- Focus here! Your two inner voices mixed up in your head.

Bakugou felt your figure on him and he looked down. Instead of his eyebrows being knitted down angrily, they softened up.

You used a small amount of your quirk on him so he still gained full control of his body and actions. "Tch. I wasn't going to try anything with you here idiot." He huffed and you let go.

"I-I know b-but, god your so difficult. B-be careful." You patiently said with a smile.

Bakugou felt his ear tips burn like a train starting up.  "Whatever." He simply responded and glanced away.

"Oh you weren't going to try anything? Well too bad because I am!" Monoma laughed continuing to be pulled by the other lazy male.

Shinsou sighed. "Hey Monoma who do you hate most from 1A?" He suddenly asked him. "Isn't it obvious every single o-" his sentence was cut off.

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