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A b o r t m i s s i o n. F/f means favorite flavor for your milkshake. Sorry if it's short I typed with my nose while doing push ups. 🙂Enjoy~

A burst went into your eyes.

Everything around you practically dissolved when you stepped out.

Denki greeted his friends, but you were just staring, at him. He was staring, at you.

Bakugou's ear tips heated up at the very sight of seeing you. Your beautiful outfit wasn't even half of the case, it was you in general.

He was captivated. Drowning beside you, and he never knew if he would come back to shore.

Yesterday at the Bakugou Residence

The angry male was walking home like a gremlin with a hunchback.

His heart kept drooling with different feelings overflowing inside. He hated it.

"Fucking shit I feel like shit." He muttered to himself on the way home.

Ever since you entered something in his heart changed. For the greater good perhaps?

He arrived home and rapidly slammed his hand on the door. Until a scared looking father answered and quickly let him in.

"K-Katsuki my boy. How was it t-today?" The brunette managed to speak out towards his fuming son.

Technically, it was in his DNA to always get home with an attitude. There was never a reason for him to be made, he just was.

His mother Mitsuki on the other hand, she had several. One being her short tempered and hard headed son.

"School was crap." He grumbled and stomped into the kitchen.

Mitsuki was sitting on the couch, looking back at old pictures when her son was a sweet boy. Who didn't curse everyone out.

"Katsuki your father asked you a question." She patiently sipped her tea.

"And I fucking answered it you old hang!" He screamed at her slamming the fridge. "K-Katsuki please respect your mother..." "Stop slamming everything that you didn't pay for!" The blondes had began to fight again like their daily basis.

Poor Masaru in the middle of it all.

"I can slam whatever I want!" He yelled at her, quickly calming down thinking about your quirk. The feeling of your hand lying on him had his mind spinning in circles.

Trying not to argue, he inhaled a deep breath. "I'm going to my damn room." He stomped up the stairs, dragging his bag along.

When Katsuki was out of sight, Mitsuki broke out into laughter. Masaru walked to his wife.

"What's wrong Mitsuki?" He asked kindly sitting down next to her.

Obviously the one and only Katsuki Bakugou inherited his mother's looks and personality. What a bless and shame at the same time.

"Didn't you notice? Katsuki calmed down all by himself. Do you think it could be possible he, found someone?" She questioned her husband with a creepy but at the same time, sweet smile.

"You know it could just be he's growing and changing more." Masaru added on with a better explanation. Mitsuki playfully waved her hand.

"Oh you're talking pure nonsense that's not a reasonable answer!" She told him with a small smack.

The male sighed. "You're right I suppose." Masaru could never win in a fight against his wife, that's how it's been for years.

"Correct answer!" The two adults laughed it off, thinking back at their weird son.

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