That's What she Said

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Wink wonk *insert Lenny face*

Why would I be dumb enough to think that?! Shinsou was arguing with his brain sitting down.

Every student around his scooted away slowly. The purple haired boy turned to look at your brother. Fuck. Am I gay? He thought as Kaminari turned away.

Holy crap that guy is intense. Kaminari mentally thought and encountered you.

"Hey sis!" He said plopping down next to you. Kendo and Jirou were up next.

As Kendo activated her big fist quirk, 1A looked at it in awe. "Woah. Look at the size of that thing." One student spoke quietly, as the battle begun.

A certain horned girl whispered to herself. "That's what she said." No one wanted to acknowledge it.

"Oh uh hey Denki." You quietly said not wanting to catch the attention of others.

Bakugou mumbled a small 'stupid dunce face' under his breath.

"How did I do?! I mean I didn't go all weird after so that's a good thing. Right?" He smiled at you. You returned the gesture. "Yeah. I guess you did do pretty well." You answered his question.

"You both are actual idiots." Bakugou joined the small chat, still looking at the fight.

The angry blonde sat next to you. It was so hard to contain your red cheeks from showing. "W-what do you mean?" You stuttered our looking at his facial figure.

His jawline was so sharp it looked like it could grate cheese. His crimson colored eyes were focused, calm. Why did the lord make such a hot person? You thought staring at him.

But didn't realize once he actually faced you. You noticed his red orbs widened but they quickly went back to normal.

The two of you were staring intently at each other, with you facing up just a bit. Even when sitting down he's still tall.

Denki was confused, as always. "Aye uh what's going on here?" He peaked from behind you, catching attention from the male.

"Nothing stupid dunce." Bakugou tilted his head with an irritated face. He looks so cute like that! You fangirled on the inside. No he's Denki's friend! Or mutual person? Just no! Your brain messed with you.

"Are you sure about that? You always turn everything dirty, it's hard to take. Since I'm your so called idiot." Denki tried to put a serious face on.

You wanted to laugh but a voice behind cut in. "Damn. That's what she said." It turned out to be Mina wearing a cheeky smile.

"Mina? Our pika pika here is a boy." Sero said chiming in. The alien looking girl made a side face palm. "You uncultured swine." She smacked the tape boy in the back of his head. "Ow! I haven't even fought yet and I'm already gonna meet my doom!" He exaggerated.

"Quiet down." The bird boy spoke. "S-sorry." You were the only one who apologized. The only one who seemed to care.

"What I'm trying to say is that you didn't even win. Tch dumbass." Bakugou was back to his original personality. "Whatever." Denki huffed.

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