It's Going Down, He's Not Yelling Timber?

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Just wanted to say you are all very special to me and are amazing people. Enjoy~

"No idiot the factor needs to go under the pressured x line!" Bakugou angrily erased your wrong attempt at answering.

His glasses were practically already fogging up from how much rage and large breaths he was letting out. All while trying to teach you.

"This doesn't make any sense. When am I going to use this in life anyways!" You groaned pulling your face down.

Holy crap I didn't stutter. Holy crap she didn't stutter. Similar thoughts ran into both your minds.

"Yeah I know you aren't but it wouldn't hurt to not be a dumbass like your brother." Bakugou huffed motioning towards the wall in front of you both.

From the other wall, there was just shooting and yelling. Girly screams.

"IM DEAD REVIVE ME! NO YOU CANT HAVE MY MINECRAFT DOG!" He was yelling random nonsense.

Great. He's a gamer now. You mentally face palmed.

Bakugou smacked his lips. "Shut up over there dying whale dumbass!" He yelled and a loud smack on the floor was heard.

"Shit my headset!" Your brother also scrambled to the floor and more noise sounded from the wall.

Bakugou's glasses started to slip off, caused by his fury and rage. You knew how expensive glasses were, and they made him look even hotter than he already was.

I can't let them slip off! Your brains gears quickly read the situation.

With no second thoughts, your hands took action. You dropped the pencil on your math problem because honestly, math plain on sucks, and reached over your desk to his side just a bit.

Your hand touched the rim of his black glasses and hoisted them up back on their proper position. He's going to kill me. You thought instantly regretting your stupid choice.

Bakugou stopped his fuming anger and swiftly turned to look at you. His crimson red eyes calmed down, the fire ball slowly turning off. His creased eyebrows went back to a normal stare, as he watched your calm movement and face.

Tiny balls of sweat formed on your face along with a nervous smile. "I uh t-they were a- s-slipping and they m-might be expensive right? So uh haha y-yeah I um j-just there you go!" You sputtered out like a weird chicken.

Your cheeks tingled with a hot sensation on them. The inside of your stomach felt like it was filled with bubbles and tickled around your organs.

The same feeling overcoming you, somehow finally caught onto Bakugou.

His heart was bumping in a more rapid motion, banging on his rib cage. The center of his stomach felt like feathers were captivated inside.

The small area on his ears turned a rose pink, the tip of his nose did as well. Most of all, a gust of a beautiful feeling looked over him.

Then, Bakugou slowly started, to let out a light laugh. It turned into a whole hearted loud one that he had to cover his mouth from releasing it all out.

You glanced up from the confusing problem, even more confused.

Bakugou, was laughing. He was snorting a little from keeping it in.

Another hot and extremely red blush caught fire on your cheeks. "W-why are y-you l-laughing?" You questioned, loosing control at the end as a giggle escaped your lips.

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