Absolute Chaos

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Just, basically what the title says. Why can't these character be real? Anyways, almost there! Yay! Enjoy ~

As soon as you opened the door a heavy surprise was waiting for you.

The crazy insane lady aimed for your head, but the object instead landed by your knee.

It's still pained you. It hurt.

You let out a hissing noise from the pain that suddenly felt on your leg. You faced down with glossy eyes, holding in the tears by biting your lip.

The object on your leg was, a random box of huge batteries. They were metal so it obviously hurt. It was so many that it made that place on your leg bulge in pain.

"Ow what was that for?!" You yelled staring up at the person who caused it.

Your mother was standing right there.

"What the hell do you mean what was that for?! May I remind you of this idiot you left to take Azami to school. You never picked her up!" Your mother screamed hurting your ears.

"You never asked me to pick her up. I can't read your mind either." You spoke in a calm voice, which triggered and irritated your mother even more.

"Don't your turn the tables on me stupid! All that time your brother was in school and came back you were out and about in the streets? And you had the audacity to come back in the early morning with him!" Your mother spit venom pointing at Katsuki.

The male besides you didn't care.

"Mhm. Yet you are screaming now when in the past you could have contact your own daughter and called her back home." Katsuki spoke intertwining your fingers and holding you closer.

Your leg still hurt, but it was healing fast from all the anger boiling out of your body.

"You are just her fucking boyfriend you have nothing to say in this conversation. You do not matter in this family or life you hear me?!" She asked raising her voice towards him.

Katsuki just rolled his crimson red eyes. His arm snaked around your waist to hoist you up against his chest.

He smirked doing it as shoving it in your mother's face on purpose.

"That's funny, because even though your Y/n's mother. You don't matter in her life either. That time she was gone yesterday, she was at my house. My family takes care of her more than you do, if anything it's just her brother making her stronger to stay here." Katsuki simply spoke making your mothers breath hitch.

Your eyes became glossier as you gently held him. "Katsuki, I can do this on my own." You whispered with a shaky voice.

His head drifted down towards you. "Then do it baby." He whispered giving you a kind smile and placing a light kiss on your lips.

You nodded and limped to face the witch.

"Mom, Katsuki is actually right. You're never there for me, you have never been there. I know that parents have favorites amongst their kids, but do you really have to show it? It hurts, dealing with this abuse everyday. I don't care how long it's been going on, please just let me be your daughter. I want my mom." You spoke with choked sobs.

Even Katsuki's heart hurt hearing your words. He has never experienced this before, sure he was great full for his parents.

Your life was on a whole different level, trying to beat the boss.


M/n was still frozen in shock. Hearing your words, she never knew. Yes she actually did, but not this bad.

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