Mrs. Bakugou

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D/n so you can name your dog. I had a dog, his name was Chrollo but he's gone. Enjoy~

The one and only Katsuki Bakugou was walking to his house. Or at least, trying to walk to his house.

The savage dog was just like him, a little too similar to him. "Stupid fucking dog. People are going to think I'm a damn crackhead like if I'm talking to myself." Bakugou said moving the cage around, the dog barking at him.

Then, an imagine of you was imagined in his mind, even your quirk seemed like It was magically placed on his arm like a few times as you did in the near past.

Bakugou, calmed down at his thoughts filled with you. Remember idiot this is for Y/n, fucking dog. Why the hell, ugh get your act together! Bakugou screamed in his head, biting his tongue hard on purpose.

A person walking down the street on a phone call literally tried to go across the whole street to not have contact with the crazy male.

The human on the other side heard the rummaging. "Hey you alright? I hear a lot of noise in the conversation." The voice said with static on the phone.

"I think there's a crack headed hobo next to me so I'm just trying to go to the other side and avoids contact." They shakily said.

Bakugou's ears perked up as he heard the words. "Huh?! What did you just call me?!" Bakugou yelled at the distant person.

"No don't eat me!" They yelled and began to run. "Boke." The voice on the other side had a tone of annoyance.

"I hate fucking people, and maybe even this dog." The angry ash blonde shook the cage a bit, causing the dog to wake up.

The dog went to the cage and started to bit the cage, barking like a maniac as if getting angry at Bakugou.

The male shoved the cage away from him, a little scared though not admitting it. "Shut up puff ball how was I supposed to know you were asleep." Bakugou growled back.

He got to his house quickly. It was quiet inside, and dark.

Bakugou sighed and went up the stairs, his leg landed on a creek. The fluffy dog started to bark.

A lamp turned on from the living room, and in the darkness appeared, the 'old hag'.

"Katsuki Bakugou. Is that a dog?" She said staring at the glaring dog. "So?!" He was the first to yell.

Yes indeed, it was about to be past midnight. There was never a dull moment of yelling between the two.

Poor Masaru, and oh boy Y/n, how would you deal with two annoying and short tempered things?

You were in for a ride, two actually.

Starting with the cover ups.

It was now morning, the time you dreaded the most today. "Gah why is it so dark?" You asked looking at yourself in the bathroom mirror. Waking up thirty minutes earlier because of a huge conflict.

The hickeys Bakugou has given to you were even darker than the day before if that was even scientifically possible.

They were all over your neck, trailing down to the very large one at your collarbone. It was a really, really dark purple. Mixed in with a red tone for some reason.

"What if I try this?" You talked quietly to yourself, fixing the collar on your uniform jacket.

You lifted it all the way up to try and hide some of the marks. "Dammit, I look like a vampire." You fixed the collar to be normal again and saw bites that Bakugou made so roughly.

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