Call Him Bakugone

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Ahhhhh so excited for this book to finally be complete. Just this one and another and I'll just shut up. Enjoy~

It was now the long awaited morning, from the long night full of surprises.

The sun his your face and tickled your nose from the heat on the shutters that were built into your dorm window.

You moved around trying to get more comfortable in the bed. It didn't feel like your bed.

The savage dude sun that decided to wake you up was still blinking with the strong light illuminating around the entire room.

Your sheets never stayed in place, during the middle of the night you moved way too much and the blanket was half on the floor.

It still felt really odd to you.

Usually someone would rip the covers off of me and I would hear non stop screaming. What's going on here? Your mind was already up and running.

You groaned groggily sitting up in the weird place.

Your body felt it because your bed never creaked.

"What the heck, where am I?" You chewed some morning saliva in your mouth holding up your bed head.

You looked around the room and almost fell off the bed. "Ahh it's, oh. It's the dorm rooms? Holy crap I forgot, I'm in my dorm room." You spoke to yourself calming down with a pillow.

A yawn escaped your lips with eye bags clouding your lower eyesight.

"God no wonder it felt so different. It feels a good kind of different though." You lightly laughed to yourself at the morning humor.

Your dorm room wasn't that special. It was a very simple one yet it still fit your style perfectly.

"I can tell it's going to be a good day telling from the appearance inside here." You smiled to yourself hearing the birds chirp with glee outside and the calm sun getting to its scorching point slowly.

"And maybe I can get a little bit more sleep before class starts." You laid back down on your more comfortable bed after realizing the strange place was sort of your type of life now.

A low yawn escaped your mouth as your eyes slowly fluttered to become closed ones.

"Y/n!" A loud familiar enthusiastic voice along banging sounded from outside.

"Y/n." A less enthusiastic and more lazy voice sounded from the same spot.

They were both calling out your name and knocking on your door room door.

You groaned sitting up again.

"W-who is it?" You spoke with a little stutter, holding in a sneeze at the last minute.

"It's your best buddy Neito! And the sleep deprived lavender haired fool that was too busy yelling at his phone last night, he only got thirty minutes of sleep! Open up pretty Y/n, please?!" You heard Neito's cheery voice from outside.

"Wow thanks I take that as a total compliment." Your ears heard the less emotional voice of Hitoshi add on to Neitos earlier words.

"Oh it's Neito and Hitoshi. Wait, it's them! I um have to get dressed!" You squealed pulling the covers off, the cold air hitting your skin.

"Don't worry about getting dressed Y/n! You can do that after we won't peak! You can trust your best friends." Neito yelled through the door.

You swear you could hear the smile on his face.

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