Triple Trouble

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It's hard to focus on one interest but Bakugou is there. Hell. Enjoy~

The disastrous life of you went by quite quickly on the weekend. Mina made it even worse, sneaking in pictures here and there.

Her album that she marked 'Y/n x Bakugou' grew rapidly that night. She could even be Cupid and a stalker mixed together.

The weekend came off to a close still. You only got one day of hell with your mom on Sunday. The group made it better.

Today after school, another chaotic and problematic group was going to make an entrance at your household.


"Stupid fucking dinosaur!" Denki yelled throwing a plush down the stairs that Azami put in his bed during sleep.

All night he didn't sleep well. The plush wasn't even plushie enough, just sitting on his back.

You were hidden behind the counter, not wanting to deal with anyone at all right now.

"Haha loser!" Azami stuck her tongue out at him. "You little nugget!" Denki shouted at her with a furious face, he was still on top of the stairs.

He stepped down, on the wrong first step and made a rough landing on the floor, with his butt also sticking out on top.

"Well now I know how Shinsou feels without sleep. Seriously how is he still alive?" The dumb male asked himself. Wait, Shinsou? Denki thought feeling his cheeks heat up.

The male stood up dusting off his shirt. His shoes still weren't tied.

The idiot tripped on his shoe lace, heading down once more. "As a great legend Micheal Jackson once said, hee hee." He said before face planting again.

His nose didn't break, at least. Azami went to go poke her older brother that looked dead on the floor. "Denki your so silly!" She giggled jumping over his back. "I hate my life." He said rising up.

You rolled your eyes sticking out from your hiding spot. "Wow your one to talk." You suddenly spoke up.

"Son of chicken strips where did you come from?!" Denki jumped really surprised and almost fell back. The sofa saved him.

You sighed. "I get up earlier than you by like five minutes. One more fall and you would either have gone to the hospital or not go to school." You walked up to your brother, flicking his forehead.

"Ouch!" He glared at you. "Wait Denki gets to stay?! Yahoo Y/n's leaving!" She innocently waved at you.

At this point, you didn't even care. "Good take him." You smirked and grabbed your bag from the counter.

Another voice came into the conversation.

"If anyone had to stay it would be you Y/n. To finish everyone's chores I'd make you do, but I'm being a nice person." M/n said walking down the stairs.

You froze while heading to the door. "Sorry that's not going to happen. If nobody likes me then schools just a getaway for everyone, right? I'll be leaving." You turned back with an emotionless face.

Denki blinked as your mother went to kiss his cheek. "Have a great day sweetie! Tell me all about it later!" She sent him off, making you invisible.

This days already off to a great start in under ten minutes, that's a new record. You sarcastically thought leaving the door open for your frantic brother.

"B-bye see you later! Love you!" He smiled and closed the door. Don't love you. You mentally bid them farewell.

Denki huffed catching up. "Geez that was crazy. Welp, are you excited for school Y/n?" You gazed at your brother who had on the same perky smile.

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