Under Da Pool

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Yes! Finally making room for the sad parts, love it. F/c means favorite color. Enjoy ~

"I hate people." The person who worked at the library named Ash murmured underneath his breath.

He sucked in a tired yawn. "Maybe interning as a librarian trainer here was harder than I expected it to be. No scrub that it definitely is." The done with life person fixed up the last visible books in sight.

"Fricken Chrollo so hard to deal with." They murmured making a whole death sentence for the man in his words funeral.

You and Bakugou heard the salesperson whisper to them self's while dragging away a cart full of messy unorganized books.

"Chrollo? That's a pretty weird name. Then again, I am dating someone with the name Katsuki. Hey, what if I call you Kat?!" You asked him with much confusing excitement.

Bakugou's crimson red eyes twitched. He slammed the book he was supposedly reading. Though in reality it was only to get away from almost being caught in the heated moment.

You flinched at his sudden action. "Why would you slam it that hard?! Are you that du-" his rough hands grabbed a strong hold on your both of your wrists while the other went to grip your waist.

"Don't you even dare finish that sentence you idiot. And where'd Y/n's little stutters fly off to? This time I'll make us get caught." He got closer to your face.

Your lips were centimeters away. You could feel his hot breath on the very top of your lip. His red eyes stared at you with a mischievous look.

What once was your normal skin colored face turned into a red disaster again as the blood rushes to your cheeks.

"I- they didn't leave." You squeaked trying your best to not stutter.

The ash blonde very close in front of you chuckled deeply. Some of the air escaped and landed on your lips.

"I couldn't really hear you. What was that Y/n?" He asked with a smirk.

You felt the blush grow deeper and butterflies popped inside your stomach.

"I-I said that they didn't leave!" You whisper yelled at him with more anger showing.

Bakugou quickly stuck his tongue out and licked your lips. "So now we want to be stubborn? Pick one emotion, baby." He adjusted his head for a split second to whisper in your ear.

His scratchy rough voice sent shivers down your spine. "G-get off!" You yelled at him again, the stutters finally emitted from your voice.

"And she's back." He left a final sweet kiss on your lips before letting your burning wrists go and step away from the rough bookshelf.

You dusted yourself of a little, glaring at the slick male in front. His face already changed, as if nothing happened with no emotion.

"What? Something wrong?" A side smile came onto his lips as he picked up a random book. "Yes something is very wrong. Why did you do that here and why do you keep calling me that?" You tried to stay angry, the blush ruining your moment of the spoken emotion.

Bakugou carelessly placed their book back in a random place. "What did I do here? All we came for is just to study, pretty simple. And what do I keep calling you? Y/n isn't that bad." He teased you seeing your shocked expression.

"Wha- never mind. Guess I'll have to keep calling you by the nickname Kat now." You sighed with a little smirk of excitement.

Now beginning to walk around the big library.

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