Phone Numbers

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I'm running out of ideas but just work with me here. Love you people! Enjoy~

Stars lit themselves up in the dark and damp night sky. The shining sun now taking a rest and letting the light moon take its place in Japan.

The air was tense as dinner finished up. It was also pretty late in the evening as outsides appearance dimmed even more. Which also meant that it was soon time for Bakugou to depart.

Truth is, you didn't want him to leave just yet. There was no way you could stop him.

Meanwhile, M/n was still pissed, holding the fork so hard the iron started to bend.

That little piece of turd. I swear he's just as bad as Y/n. Though I'll still hate her the most. She thought filled with so much hatred.

It seemed that Bakugou, read her mind, as he spoke up from chewing his food. "That hate thing is a compliment for you just to remind you. Maybe you should take a personality test to check your crap, or even better. Look in the mirror." Bakugou snapped at her.

M/n looked up and blinked with bloodshot eyes. Is his quirk to read minds? She asked herself glaring at him.

Bakugou glared back. "No I'm not a stupid mind reader. Though I'm probably better at anything you have ever done." He said with an extra comeback.

Denki's jaw was practically on the floor. His phone had died from how intense it was. Sike. It died because the memes were too powerful for the battery to handle.

Azami was wide eyed. She loved her mom, but seeing someone talk back already, it was nuts. The little girl was only going to be good around Bakugou for the remainder of the time he would be there. She didn't want to die.

"You are a very rude child." She shook her head with gritted teeth. Bakugou rolled his eyes. "So what? You're a bad parent, doesn't make a difference between you and me. Other than I know when to change at stupid act." He slickly barked again.

She had become speechless. At lost for words. This little piece of crap just doesn't know when to shut up. Seriously who does he think he is?! She mentally screamed inside.

Bakugou just, didn't stop. It was the first time he held a serious grudge over a person he just met, and he had major anger issues. This was a surprise.

"Yeah short term memory loss. My names Bakugou and I'll be giving you hell while teaching your daughter because you failed to do a simple job as a parent." He said one last time before Denki broke the toxic air.

"W-well ah haha dinner was uh g-great! Free food is always great hehe. But I need to be going now and get caught up on, assignments!" He nervously chuckled as his phone kept lighting up and buzzing in his pocket.

He squirmed around to pick up his plate and slowly put it in the sink. Just like Usain Bolt, he flew like speed up the stairs. Almost eating shit, or dust from earlier.

Bakugou sighed. "I should be going too, I'll be here tomorrow too." He evilly looked at your mom. M/n glared at him. His crimson red orbs were like walking into hell with Satan.

"Y/n, come." He said picking up your plate with no other answer. You had to pinch yourself under the table before you could fall unconscious at his blunt argument.

I can't even do that. Maybe he could teach me? You asked yourself and turned to glance at Bakugou. He was hunched back and staring at you.

His pointed ash blonde hair tilted along with his head, motioning towards the stairs. You shakily places both hands on the table and stood up.

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