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Yes, this chapter is called F. Very long and rare name that's so hard to say. Enjoy~

The awkwardness in the atmosphere was thick.

By this it meant between You and Bakugou. Everything would have been fine, but no!

I hate myself. Why did my brain decide to do that, and my hands?! To humiliate me! Your mind practically went sicko mode at how much you wanted to bang it on the table.

Bakugou was back to his normal totally mean and unfunny looking self. On the inside, was a roller coaster for him. Did I really act like that? I should've just kept my trap closed. He regretted coming here.

Yet, he didn't agree the first time either. They kidnapped him and he had no choice.


"Katsuki clean your damn dishes when you finish eating!" Mitsuki said from the kitchen while scrubbing the white plate.

"The fuck! You're already washing it old hag!" The young blonde screamed from the couch at his mother.

"I-I'm just going to the market. S-see you two later." Masaru said and lifted the empty tot bag from the ground, escaping the living hell house this time.

"I'm washing because you never do! Stop screaming at me!" She yelled. The poor plate would be broken by the time she places it in the dryer.

"You started the bullshit!" Bakugou was lighting the seat on fire, his quirk getting there.

"I swear to god if you-" she started but was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Mitsuki sighed drying her hands on the cloth.

"Get the door Katsuki." Mitsuki told her son.

"Why the hell should I do that you wiped your hands?!" The angry teenager was still fuming with rage.

Funny to think that this was all for a battle at who did the dishes and who needed to start washing their own.

"Get the damn door brat!" Mitsuki shouted getting her sandal and aiming it at her son. Bakugou flinched back a little.

Everyone fears the wrath of the sandal, and with Mitsuki at the other end of it, run.

"Fine old hag!" He said grumbling curse words while walking towards the door.

Once he did arrive and open it he was greater by a grinning alien, a chill ear-phone girl, the rock, scotch tape, and a lazy looking younger Aizawa. Expect worse, if that was even possible.

"What the fuck is wrong?" He questioned them still with a disgusted expression.

"Hey nice to see you too bro!" Kirishima was the first to lighten up the weird stares and patted Bakugou's shoulder.

"How do you guys even now were I live?" He asked in disbelief. "Uh research purposes, we may or may have not looked at your profile on Mr. Hizashi's desk, nice to see you too!" Sero speedily answered with balls of sweat running down his face.

"Again what the fu-" "Alright move out of the way pretty boy I got business to do." Mina pushes Bakugou away with her incredible strength cracking her fingers.

Batting her long eyelashes and in her nicest voice she talks to Mitsuki.

"Hi Mrs. Bakugou!" She said in a song song tone. Mitsuki turned with a whole new masked expression.

"Hello are you one of Katsuki's sweet friends?" She asked smiling. Bakugou peaked from outside. "She's definitely not sweet and hell no." He spoke Kirishima trying to pull him back out.

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