Lessons First Gift 🍈

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My fingers hurt but we'll get through. Y'all have been WAITING so here.🍈means lime. Sexual content. You have been warned. Enjoy ~

"Wait a damn minute. So your telling me your sleep schedule is so messed up, you don't get your homework done? How the hell are you passing?!" Sero threw his arms up in the air out of rage and confusion.

Shinsou shrugged. "I do get it done at like three am. I don't really care if I do it correctly or not because my works in the middle of the class and that's where are teacher gets most tired." He stated facts of the class.

Kirishima patted Shinsou on his shoulder, hard. "Woah dude your like a serious hacker or something! Help me with my homework, I tried Bakugou and, I was traumatized." Kirishima's body shook at the study memories.

One things for sure, Bakugou made him hate newspapers. All they were good at now was hitting his head.

Mina smirked, the only logic that was useless coming into her mind. "So if Bakugou hates you that means he must have a soft spot for Y/n." She said with devilish eyes.

Denki groaned. "Can we stop talking about my sister and Bakugou, together?" His voice cracked.

The purple haired boy suddenly appeared behind him. "Why short circuit?" He deeply said scaring the male titled idiot.

"B-because it's not cool that you don't get my approval." He said with red cheeks, crossing his arms.

Mina didn't listen. She grabbed her evidence and went to the first Bakugou x Y/n album. The pink alien pulled up the photo she secretly took, it wasn't so secret now.

She shoved it in everyone's face. "See here! Right there! Their holding hands haha together!" She smirked spilling out the syllables in the last word.

Monoma was the last to see the phone, being invisible in the entire conversation.

He clapped his hands together. "I've been casted out because I'm not an idiot thank you very much. As Y/n's new most important friend, and as Bakugou's worst enemy, I pledge to be on lovely Y/n's side. In this case, Mina I can help you." He sinisterly smirked in the end, blue eyes mischievous.

"Alright your amazing Monoma! I already gave Shinsou a bit of my allowance, but big bucks are coming your way!" The girl said even more excited for details.

Shinsou and Monoma were your friends now, and they wouldn't have it any other way.

"Just saying if this doesn't work out, get the shovel to dig up Y/n's grave and all of ours. Bakugou might rage." Shinsou said scratching his neck neck.

Monoma laughed and the others stood an inch more away from the messed up males.


You were walking around the corner from your house, Bakugou had just gotten on his phone, but it felt like forever.

"You sure love your phone. Is it your top priority?" You asked with light jazz hands, sticking your tongue out.

Bakugou rolled his crimson eyes playfully. He turned it off, leaving the pet shack time tab open. "No why? Are you my top priority?" He said coming back at you harder.

You were speechless, wanting to stutter. You did. "I-I never said that." You glanced at Bakugou and faced the floor.

Bakugou patted her head. "You should've just stayed quiet Y/n." He smirked down at you.

"Be quiet! Then you would get your way!" You blasted at him. "Oh feisty now, no stutters? I like this stupid new side. That's how you should be. I should teach you more lessons huh?" Bakugou deeply chuckled.

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