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God just realized how far I've gotten in this time. So, why not add sPiCy because you thought wrong! Enjoy~

Faces intensely getting closer together. Bakugou's hand still held a strong grip on your chin, there was basically no escape in sight.

His crimson red eyes locked into your e/c eyes as the wind swayed from behind. Creating a light tingling movement on each of your bodies as the scenery unfolded even more.

Papers weren't flying around along with the birds, Bakugou took care of that as if planned. The work was definitely being patient at this moment, it was the definition of it could wait.

Just with a flick of the wrist, as fast as light could carry itself.

Bakugou's surprisingly soft lips, compared to his attitude, landed on yours for a split second. In a very short sweet kiss.

In that split second, you both still felt the sensation. Bakugou causally going back to the lesson and work that wasn't even started. His ears feeling heated. Fingertips tingling, still feeling the touch. His lips also felt, pleased if it was the right word.

Only a tiny side smile hiding from you on portrayed on his soft lips.

You on the other hand, were a huge hot mess. Bigger than a whole country.

Your whole body filled with volcano lava, every last tingle censored your inner and outer body. Cheeks lit up like a bomb fire, eyes wide like saucers, blood boiling as well.

"Alright, the lesson shouldn't be too hard if you listen to my instructions." Bakugou said fixing his glasses.

The 'funny' eye wear that caused all this messy mishap to happen.

"H-how a-are y-you so c-casual?! D-do you know w-what y-you just d-did?!" You stuttered like a maniac, a hint of anger for once in your system.

Bakugou clicked his tongue and tilted his head towards you. "Yeah obviously. It isn't that big of a deal is it?" He asked with a sly slick smirk.

You gritted your teeth, still blushing madly. For some reason, you couldn't find yourself to be that mad at the ash blonde.

I mean yeah he's hot, but this isn't fair! You thought multiple things at once, having mixed emotions in the process.

"I-o-of course it is a big deal! Y-you literally j-just stole a k-kiss from me! I-I haven't e-even had my first r-real one!" You scolded Bakugou.

The male began to chuckle. Only causing a heat wave to come onto your body more.

What's wrong with me? Bakugou mentally thought, his actions not matching his personality or ego at all.

"Oh wow you haven't had your first one? Now you did. Big deal how do you not understand I was just kidding, your brothers a flirt you should know that by now." Bakugou said with a red eye roll.

You were even more confused. Everything that was making you survive was beginning to get mushy and cram into you.

"I-I y-you've h-had your f-first one already b-before?" You asked, heart stinging at the stammered spilled words. He isn't what he seems? You internally thought to yourself, gazing at him in a different way.

Till he spoke again. "Well yeah, idiot. Wasn't it just seconds ago with you?" He deeply asked, facing you again.

Glasses slightly slipping off. Even though they shouldn't have, butterflies fluttered and rained inside of your stomach.

"I-m-me?" You stuttered not thinking again, flabbergasted. "Tch dumbass is there another person here besides you?! Yes you idiot Y/n!" He poked your forehead with an irk mark appearing. His temper rising again.

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