In the Presence of Satan and Her Misfits

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Satan = Mina and Misfits equals the idiots. By the way the little kid job I add in here is what I wanted for the same reason, you'll laugh I was so dumb. Enjoy~

Walking in the rain, under Bakugou's umbrella. Isn't that just amazing.

Your bodies were practically touching the entire walk to your house. The pouring rain pounded on his umbrella as your footsteps walked across the sidewalk.

There was a huge puddle, you were so lost in your brain about the whole situation right now you didn't even give any notice to it.

I'm just going to rent a whole cemetery and dig all my graves there. Why did it have to be today that I loose my damn umbrella?! At least it was Bakugou he's hot but no Y/n bad! You screamed at yourself multiple times in your confused mushy system.

"Y/n watch out there's a damn puddle right there!" Bakugou said in a strained voice.

Your feet somehow didn't stop moving and you were about to be swallowed by the dirty water. Life wasn't that great, but thank you for giving it to me I'm dead. You internally already said your death vow and waited for the coldness of the rain to wash over you.

Bakugou wasn't that flexible in the position he was in right now. Besides, he didn't want to hurt you in this situation right now.

By his instincts and workout muscles he threw the black umbrella right above you two. With that same strong hand he got you just in time on your forearm and lifted you up before your foot touched the puddle.

He took a big step forwards and practically made you float over the disastrous water blob.

A tiny squeak escaped your mouth because you were surprised you didn't meet your doom at that very moment.

In the nick of time, you were both standing and the black umbrella came right back down into the grasp of Bakugou's hand.

"There. You need to be more careful or you'll really end up getting hurt someday." Bakugou held your wrist to make you look at him.

The rain once again started to pour its droplets on the black umbrella.

There was was also droplets on something else, excluding yourself. You just appeared like another huge mess.

Bakugou, still managed to look like a super model. The drops of water landed and dripped perfectly on the pointy tips of his ash blonde hair. His face had some specks of water that added light to his skin.

His facial expression, was serious. The calm crimson red yes now showed assertiveness to you directly. Bakugou's eyebrows only shifted down a few inches. Still, looking at you, scolding.

"I-I I'm sor-" "I told you not to say that stupid word anymore. It's annoying and not necessary." He said running a swift hand to shake some water off of his hair.

Maybe I should ask why he wanted to be a hero. He could've been a rich model for crying out loud. Then again, I could've been a slave in that case. You thought, sadly thinking that your mother would make you one if it wasn't illegal.

"O-okay then. Thanks. I would've been all wet huh?" You said with a light laugh, trying to jokingly change the mood around.

Bakugou sighed. "Exactly. And if you got sick let's just say I wouldn't volunteer to be your educator anymore." He spoke trying to go along with it.

A really tiny smile wanting to appear on the corner of his mouth. Instead, a tint of blush caught onto his ears hearing your laugh. Even if it was just for a little millisecond.

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