Suttering Because Your Palms are Sweaty

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Vomit on his shirt already.If you're having a bad day, I'm always here for you amazing people. Okay? Time for another hot headed adventure. Enjoy~

In a blink of an eye, it seemed that fate bonded you two once again. It was almost like the lord either hated you or Mina loved you.

She was standing there with a huge smug and noticeable grin. "It's settled so let's order! Chop chop we haven't got all day!" Mina snapped her fingers pushing every assigned individual groups together.

That's why she brought Shinsou! So it could be even, that mind player! You connected the facts together like a puzzle piece.

It was quite oblivious that she did that, the Kaminari twins still appeared to be puzzled.

You knew your time with Bakugou wouldn't have ended soon. It will take a while before you could actually get unstuck from the glue both of you had.

Not that you were complaining. Being in his presence was like standing in front of a god in heaven. Expect that god was always angered, and mean to people, and sometimes an ass, and thought everyone was annoying, you get the point.

Bakugou was not nice but, giving it a try so far? Only his ignorant mind knew.

Your mouth suddenly started a conversation without your brain fully knowing wha was going on. "S-so m-milkshake y-you d-do want?" You stuttered a quite odd sentence out.

The blonde heard your small voice and turned to stare down at you, with those crimson red eyes.

His structure was so different from yours. In his angle, you always looked like a fragile doll. Your quirk and fighting made him see you as a strong person, fairly far from your appearance.

He liked that about you. Your anxious face whenever your name was called, your soft h/c hair, the look in your e/c orbs as you saw things. AGH stupid brain cells stop acting like idiots! His mind judged him and told him off.

"What did you say?" He asked with the same irritated look and serious deep voice on the outside. The height difference between you two was phenomenal, yet, you still felt his hot minty breath as he spoke.

Your stiffened up like a twig. "S-sorry I-I'm d-dumb even t-to speak I-I'm s-sorry!" You apologized in a very fast demeanor.

A very imperceptible smile lit up on his face, so tiny and fast you didn't catch a glimpse of it. "Lucky for you I speak gibberish." He said, slouching down more.

You still stared at him in a bewildering way. "G-gibberish?" You asked in a cross-examined tone, confusion cautiously flurrying in your eyes.

"A weird speedy language I learned in elementary for bullshit I couldn't deal with." He responded in an annoyed tone.

You smiled to yourself. He can be funny if he chooses too. "Do you think you could teach me how to speak gibberish sometime?" You suddenly blurted out.

Hey I didn't stutter! But why did I ask that silly question?! You internally panicked for your reputation.

The look in Bakugou's eyes went into a more modest gaze towards you.

"Maybe." That one word response was enough to make your heart beat like crazy. A thousand fireworks popped inside and butterflies flew inside.

"O-okay." You glanced away, every single inch of your body probably bloody red right now. Every other color in the universe has left the chat.

"And about what you said earlier it doesn't matter. You can choose Y/n." He stated. The way your name tumbled out of his lips made your body melt again.

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