The End (for you)

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Is this the end? Forget that SIKE. But like Bakugou with glasses, it's gonna happen here. Enjoy~

Walking through the cold and starry night in Japan was peaceful.

Minus the fact that Mina kept teasing you, and the group was pure chaos.

"If the sun is in space, why is there light on earth but not in space?" Sero suddenly asked the weirdest question out of the blue.

"Holy crap dude you ruined my brain in that sentence." Denki said with widened bright yellow eyes.

"As if you actually had a brain before that." Bakugou chimes in from beside you with an annoyed tone.

"The stupidity of you people never ceases to amaze me." Shinsou sighed with sleep deprived eyelids. Kirishima patted him on the back. "You agreed to come with us bro." The male gave an awkward smile. In hopes that he wouldn't manipulate him.

"Psh be quiet! We're all big brains here!" Mina said shoving Jirou until she gave her a slight nod.

The conversations continued along the sidewalk. "Sorry to crush your soul Y/n, but we need to drop your boyfriend of first. He's past his bedtime and we don't want him to be cranky with you." Mina said with a devious smirk.

There was so many things wrong with that sentence that puzzled you. Still, the fact that she called him your boyfriend made your heart burst in your rib cage.

"H-huh? I-it doesn't m-matter to m-me a-at all. And he isn't m-my boyfriend." You stuttered with a coat of cherry red on you.

Bakugou's ear tips changed as well. A rose pink lifted onto them as he groaned. "Stop telling people like I'm a kid for having a bedtime! I have one because I wake up to do things unlike you sleepless fuckers!" He yelled getting ready to explode.

Sero snorted. "I mean he isn't wrong." A laugh was heard from Jirou that was walking beside him. "I deadass don't know how to respond to that." She added to his sentence.

Mina was still playing the role of embarrassing you. "Psh of course he is! The lovey doveyness is in the air between you two." She made kissing noises.

"I don't think half of what you said are actual words." A shark boy spoke up. He quickly shrunk down once he saw her wrath building up.

"N-no!" You covered your face with Bakugou's scented cologne jacket. If she keeps embarrassing me I might just dig up two graves in case. You thought calming down your blush.

"I swear to fucking god if that mouth doesn't stop moving I'll slap it right off your ugly face!" Bakugou yelled again losing his temper for the one hundredth time today.

Mina smirked coming up with a brilliant comeback. "Oh my face is ugly? So you think Y/n's is pretty huh? Totally your type. And what if she kept talking. I bet you would shut her up with a kiss." She teased you both even more, getting even more smug by the minute.

Definitely digging up another grave. You thought turning into a blushing volcano.

Bakugou's crimson red eyes were twitching. "I am this close to killing you." Bakugou said making a small gesture.

Denki blinked and squinted his eyes from afar. "But your fingers are touching." He said with a confused expression.

Bakugou smirked. That's so hot. You thought internally smacking yourself. "Exactly." He spoke with fire in his gaze. "Run Ashido. Run." Sero prayed for his friend. She was screwed.


After Bakugou chased Mina, with you all catching up, she lead you to his house.

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