Dreams and Dress up

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Again, thank you so much for reading! A certain lazy purple boy will be added to this version of the bakusquad! Enjoy~

It was no doubt a beautiful day for every person in Japan.

Minus the cars being noisy on the roads and alarms of banks going off because of the crimes. Other than that you could say it was a good day.

You were enjoying your dream and were about to reach the best part.

What was the dream about you ask? A certain crimson eyed and spiky haired boy had captured you in a wonderful land.

You smiled with drool dripping from your face.

The door to your room creaked before a head peaked out from it. Denki.

He quietly left it slightly ajar and tip toed over to your bed. Your older brother crouched down and saw your peaceful state.

"Look at how cute she looks when she's sleeping. I like her like this better than when she's a demon. Screw that, Azami is worse. Oh well." He shrugged his shoulders.

Denki hummed a little song while walking over to the curtains. He inhaled a deep breath.

You closed your eyes even more waiting for the moment to happen. Bakugou's lips were centimeters away from yours...

"Wakey Wakey sis!" Denki screamed like a dying whale and revealed a bright light.

You jolted up from bed with hot sweat running down your face.

"What in the actual hell was that for?! I was sleeping!" You faced your cheeky looking brother with an angry face. Red cheeks as well.

He backed away protecting himself from your morning wrath. "Don't kill me! Sheesh I'm afraid your gonna turn into Bakugou soon." He scratched his head.

Your heart thumped faster at the mention of him. "B-Bakugou?! W-who said anything about B-Bakugou? I didn't. Shut up!" You threw a pillow at him.

"I didn't even say anything Y/n!" Denki shrunk down with a tired expression.

"Whatever. Why did you wake me up?" You asked him with an annoying tone. "Didn't Mina tell you yesterday?" Denki questioned instead.

You decided to play dumb. "What? Yesterday? Mina? Uh I uh don't understand what's what?" You crossed your arms multiple times and touched your face. Crazy movements were a MUST at times like these.

"Quit playing Y/n I can read you like a magicians cards." He pointed to himself with pure cockiness.

"I forgot then." You settled on crossing your arms with a huff. "She said we were going to get milkshakes. Mina texted us to remind me to bring you." He grinned and made his way in front of you.

"Well she didn't remind me so-" just as you were about to finish your sentence your phone made a ding noise. Informing you that a text message had just been sent.

"Who's number is this?" You picked up your phone staring at the random number on your lock screen.

Denki leaned over to look at it. "Oh that's Mina's phone number." He quickly said scrolling his eyes side to side at the numbers.

You facepalmed. "Who gave her my number?" A dark aura was held upon you as you looked at your brother.

The male made an awkward smile before walking away. "That's not for me to tell! Get ready I gotta go to!" He turned around to late before you could warm him.


His head planted hard right on the edge of your door frame. You covered your mouth hiding your muffled laugh.

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