More Attractive

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Yeah, another crap title from me. Bakugou. With. Glasses. Enjoy~

The words fluttered out of Mr. Sekijiro's mouth like a tiny spring of wind.

Where as to you, the came out like a burning wildfire catching every single brain cell you had.

Though speechless, you had to say something. "I-I'm sorry. I'm f-failing?" You asked, the small kid covering your eyes growing heavily filled with water.

The male teacher sighed, looking at your pain. "Yes indeed. We've only done a few assignments, but it seems you rushed. You can eventually catch up." He said trying to encourage you with lifting words.

Your emotion stayed the same. You rushed because all of your family members were selfish and pains in the ass. You got everything wrong because you guessed. Again they were selfish, it only was for when Denki was in need or Azami.

Never you. The odd one. The 'slut'.

"B-but the thing is, I barley understand anything." You spoke sadly gazing down.

Mr. Sekijiro wasn't a sentimental person, he was reaching there slowly with you as a student.

"Well, anyone at home help you? Parents? Brother?" He asked knowing about coming from the Kaminari family.

You gulped back a thick saliva ball forming in your throat from holding back your tears. "N-no." You suffered saying that word. No one cares. You thought not wanting to say it out loud.

The teacher was definitely getting there, but it had to be done. He wants the best for all of his students, top priority.

Right now, he was concerned. "I understand. We do have special 3rd year tutors here after school. Not very good help if I say so myself." He added chuckling.

Attempting to make you feel better. You sadly smiled and lifted your head, only your ears were pink from holding back tears.

"What can I do?" You ask for his opinion. I can't ask my brother for help, he's as dumb as a puppet. You mentally said.

From the other class, Denki wasn't paying attention. He was stacking up his pencils to make a tower until it fell on Ojiro's tail.

"Let's see, ah I know. You can find a helper your age and let me know. I can give you a week, but if you don't, I'm going to have to take jurassic measures." He sighed showing your grades.

It said you had a big fat F. A missing assignment that Azami ripped to pieces from her temper tantrum. Low scores from a test you didn't get to study for because your mom made you cook. The food came out burned anyways. You thought.

"Y/n I want you to go enjoy your lunch break, please.  We can discuss this after with a 3rd year helper or you could find one your age. Do we have a nice deal?" He asked with a stern look.

You gulped again. Nobody is going to want and help me. I'll just be another burden, what am I doing? You asked but couldn't stop the words that came out.

"I- o-okay I promise I will find one. If I can." You nodded with a small determination hidden in you.

Mr. Sekijiro smiled. "Perfect. I hope you do find one and get your grades up. Have a nice day Y/n." He waved you out of the class.

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