Ha, Your Screwed

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Basically the title, once your in, you can't escape their wrath. Be prepared for ultimate embarrassment yay! Enjoy~

"S-so a-all those bags are representing y-you all staying the n-night? H-here? T-today?" You stuttered with a frozen figure and wide scared eyes.

"Mhm definitely! And don't forgot Bakugou!" She teasingly said pointing at the male.

Bakugou's crimson red eyes were constantly twitching while looking at all of the devious idiots that followed you there.

He tried not to kill them then and there, it wouldn't be a good situation for you.

"We just though of it because of the project! No other appearnt reason because that would be ridiculously ridiculous." Sero said with a nervous chuckle, waving his hand.

To make matters, even wider, a certain purple haired boy came into the frame.

"So this is the address I'm guessing?" He asked looking up from his phone, don't forget with eye bags for days. In addition to that, perked up wet hair.

Everyone turned with perplexed faces. You and Bakugou getting even more confused by the second. Denki was the only one with a pink tint along his cheeks.

"Shinsou! Bruh you actually made it!" Kirishima was the first to grab his forearm and real him inside the house.

The lazy male raised his lavender eyebrow up. "Yeah I am. What makes you think I wasn't going to come?" He asked adjusting the small bag that hung around his shoulders.

Kirishima shrugged in response. Sero decided to take over and swiftly made it into the conversation.

"We just kinda thought hey, what if this dude wants to fix his sleep schedule you know what I'm saying?" He bumped his arm a little with an awkward laugh.

Shinsou blinked very slowly. The room so silent your could almost hear the crunch in his eyeballs when he did.

"That's never going to happen." He creepily smiled at the teenagers with a titled head. "Woah calm down Shinsou. Don't pull out the nine." Sero gently patted his shoulder and hid behind Denki.

The purple headed male was now staring at Denki. He waved slightly at him with a tired hand. Your brother became a robot.

Jirou was surprised he wasn't in his jamming yay mode. Denki quickly waved back. "W-welcome to our h-house." He stuttered.

You sighed as the area was quiet chaos. "Stupid piece of crap. Shit got tangled just by standing." You heard Bakugou cursing under his breath.

Turning your head slightly downwards you looked at what situation he was in.

The thin straps of the small bag that was thrown at him had tangled all over his hands like vines. It was so tangled around everything. Hands, fingers.

You wanted to laugh so bad, but knew it wasn't the right time. "Do you need help?" You whispered looking up at him since he obviously towered over you.

Bakugou stopped his angry antics from trying to detach the black bag.

He glanced down at you with calm crimson red orbs. "Tch. I got this." He huffed and went back to make it even worse.

You pouted. "Your so stubborn. I said I'm going to help you." This time, you didn't ask, you ordered. As your hands began to unravel the cloth around his hands.

Butterflies came into your stomach again at feeling his strong rough hands. Your emotions fought back, but the deep pink blush went onto your face with no warning.

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