Baby Crow

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Okay so this might be a small filler, still considered a lot of words though. I am speed. Anyways next chapter will definitely be longer. Love you darlings. Enjoy~

So the small journey began again. For teenagers they sure had a lot of energy today. They all probably went to sleep earlier instead of hearing that note from Netflix 'Are you still watching'.

"Hey purple dude Shinsou!" Sero said smacking him on the back.

"What is it tape boy Sero?" He asked serving him a taste of his own comment.

"Ouch right in the feels." Sero said clutching his chest with a dramatic sad face. "Anyways, you always have dark fricken charcoal lookin ass eye bags. Like how much sleep did you get last night?" Sero asked shaking his head.

"I went to sleep for eight." Shinsou said, which didn't make much sense. Sero looked at Kirishima and the shark teeth male shrugged.

"Eight hours?" Sero asked leaning forward while walking. "Eight minutes." The sleep deprived boy finally said.

"What the diddly doody actual fuck." Sero said with wide eyes. "T-the bad part is your not actually lying to us." Denki spoke nervously.

"Yeah I wouldn't lie. Because one things for sure, sleep is for the weak." Shinsou stated, a weird smile portrayed on his lips at the end.

"So is having a messed up sleep schedule!" Sero and Kirishima said simultaneously, the same crazy expression on.

"Having a messed up sleep schedule?" Jirou asked playing with her earphones. "It's true right? It's for losers?" The boy became even more confused and slowly turned to face her.

The female rolled her eyes with a groan. "Seriously what is Mr. Hizashi teaching you about grammar?" Jirou bonked him on the head.

"The stupidity of some teachers never ceases to amaze me." Kirishima sighed with a side smile. Their jaws were left open at the cool males words.

Everyone was talking up front and having a weird conversation. Where as you were being awkward in the back yourself.

You hadn't turn to look at Bakugou one bit, but now, your brain magically decided that it wanted to gaze at him. The beauty of mixed emotions.

When you did fully see him, the sight made you laugh.

"Bakugou there's a crow on your head." You managed to say without another giggle escaping. Your own eyes widened because his name rolled off your tongue perfectly.

"Tch I know. Stubborn shit won't move and has been there for ten minutes. Get the fuck off of my head!" He screamed at the crow.

Who in response quickly peaked his head, squawked at him, and went on his way.

"Stupid fucking bird." He scoffed and dug his hands deep into his pockets.

"It probably thought your hair was a nest." You stifled a laugh from coming out your mouth.

Bakugou turned towards you with a fire in his eyes. The fire died once he saw how you were. You seemed, happy.

Your expression held a closed off smile with a tint of pink on the side of your cheeks.

The male stared with a calm manor. Shocking.

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