Officially Officials of the Official

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I'm like running out of ideas I want to smack myself, but we're making it. Enjoy ~

There was a new side the the ash blonde boy everyday. He was mostly always angry and loud. Right now, he was gentle and quiet while you were laying in his arms.

Very different.

"Wait, s-so you l-love me too?" You asked him, blushing in his grasp. "Duh you heard that come out of my mouth stupid. I can take it back any time." He said smirking down at you.

Your face heated up even more at his expression and butterflies floated around your stomach. "D-don't say things like that!" You yelled covering your messed up confused face in his chest.

His chest was normally hard because of his abs, it was something you could get used to not really going to lie. The sun was finally coming after the rain.

Bakugou was the sun in your rainy life.

You began to laugh on his chest. Bakugou heard and felt the sensation of your laughing breath tickle his system.

With a red blood rushed nose he questioned you. "Why the hell did you just start laughing out of nowhere weird ass?" Bakugou asked running his hand through your hair.

The laughter in you calmed down as you gazed up into Bakugou's crimson red eyes, they appeared to be confused.

"I-I just thought of you in a little sun costume. Like just around your face wouldn't that be cute?" You asked with a goofy grin touching the spiky tips of his ash blonde hair.

His red eye twitched. "A cute sun costume? Are you fucking mental, is something wrong?" Bakugou asked placing his much bigger hand on top of yours in his hair.

You felt the warmth temperature in his palm emitting onto your hand. "Too bad if I am, you apparently love me and so your stuck with me." You said booping his nose, breaking into a smile again.

The sweet smile placed upon your face was contagious, as one soon slipped on Bakugou's lips. A snort escaped his lips.

"I still wouldn't regret it." Bakugou said picking your hand up from tangling his hair and placing it on his cheek.

Your palm now felt like it was burning as the contact with your hand and his skin met again. From his lower cheek you could feel his sharp jawline resting.

Bakugou leaned in close to lay his forehead on yours. "Are you sure you wouldn't regret it? A lot of people don't seem to, enjoy me in their presence." You said averting your gaze from his intense crimson red eyes.

Though Bakugou's forehead still rested on yours, he could see the sadness in your averted gaze. His hot breath tickled above your lip as he spoke.

"I don't give a damn about the people, and you shouldn't either. Especially your stupid caretaker or whatever you want to call, a witch would be ideal. That's besides the point, Y/n I won't regret it. I really do like having you around, I love you." Bakugou said snapping your eyes back in his gaze.

Your eyelashes touched his eyes lightly as you laughed feeling good about yourself. "Are you sure you won't change your mind?" You asked, as if playing to be suspicious.

Bakugou rolled his crimson red eyes. "No idiot get it through your thick skull." He said more sternly in his tone.

"Woah okay okay I love you too." You said laughing at the end. Bakugou smirked with a low chuckle. "I thought so, or else I would've thrown some hands." He said taking his forehead away from yours and kissing you passionately.

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