Ready, oOoH KiNkY-

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About a few more chapters and we are complete with this book! I'm pretty excited for this, please keep reading! Enjoy ~

"My legs still hurt." You complained under the covers in Katsuki's bed.

Your boyfriend rolled his crimson red eyes and slightly sat up and propped his pillow on the bed.

"And you think that complaining is going to help the pain?" He asked with an annoyed tone.

You smiled getting an idea. "It's always worth a shot." You let out a small giggle and quickly but your lip.

A new pain was by your abdomen which sent the surge of it to go into your legs.

"I don't care what you do, all I know was that I enjoyed it. I know you did too baby." Katsuki grew cocky again and smirked.

His hand was under the cover and whisked itself to trace along your numb leg, then you felt it on your thigh.

It was closer to your area that had just calmed down the wet throbbing.

"O-okay you don't need to keep pointing it out. It's not like it lasted that long." You huffed with puffed up angry cheeks, hoping to hide the pink along the bridge of your nose.

Katsuki reached over on the edge of his bed. It appeared like he was going on top of you again, and he did.

Your eyes widened seeing as you were both still fully naked. "K-Katsuki what are y-you doing?" You stuttered feeling nervous again.

Instead of answering, his ash blonde hair tickled your neck before his face went up and his soft lips landed on yours.

You melted feeling his touch and kissed back, with an equal same amount of passion. Katsuki went in more aggressively and started to lick and nibble on your lips.

Your body and mouth wanted to but you removed the thought of letting a moan escape.

In the heated moment his hand reached on the counter by his bed. You felt the form of his muscles on your shoulder as he caught his phone.

Katsuki was the first to pull away from the kiss this time.

"We did do it for a while actually, it's already going to be night soon. It's pretty dark and damp outside from where my curtains are." He huskily said as you felt the hot breath of his mouth on your nose and upper lip.

"It's night?! Don't be serious we didn't even d-do it for that long?" You said more in a questioning way with knitted eyebrows.

A low chuckle escaped from his lips that were by yours. "Whether you like it or not we did take a while with it. So it's early night." Katsuki gripped his phone and plopped back down on his bed besides you.

He showed you the screen on his phone that read 5:12. It wasn't that late but by this time it was already dark and the areas around Japan grew lit with stars and a night sky.

"Early night? You make no sense at all." You pulled the covers up and stuck your tongue out at him playfully.

"Oh you want to play that game? To be honest in the beginning of meeting you, you didn't make sense at all. Especially your answers in your tests." Katsuki made mean a come back.

"Hey don't attack my brain like that! I may not be super smart like you, but I can learn from my mistakes." You got mad at him again.

"So you think I'm super smart huh?" Katsuki said licking his sharp tooth in a way that made him more attractive to you.

"I-of course I do. Why else would I ask for a person to help me with work? It's not like I would have asked my brother." You laughed remembering when Denki had to put two times one in a calculator because he said mental math was hard.

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