The Awakening Kiss

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I'm changing the anime plot differently. It's going to be good, I hope. Just adding Hitoshi and Neito to events. Enjoy~

To put it simply, you were such an idiot. Your brain was as big as a fly.

You had never done something so reckless to put yourself and maybe others in danger.

Deep by your heart, you knew why you charged into the purple misty portal last minute.

It was the way, Bakugou had helped you. He was the first person to show you, what love felt like.

Sure, it was a romantic kind of love. Not something your family would give you.

In a way, he made you feel something. He made you blush with just a little action. He acted like he really cared, you know he really cared.

Easy to get closer and express your feelings towards each other, Bakugou made you feel like you actually have a place in the world.

You weren't going to let the person you care for the most land in more disaster. So by choice, you stupidly went after.

Why in the heck did I decide to do this? You internally thought wanting to turn back time.

As quick as possible, the purple surrounding you went away with one last step.

Your foot felt like it touched the floor, hard creaky wood. You closed your eyes growing not prepared anymore as voices broke out.

"So do you want to join us? It would benefit our side, why do you want to be a hero? It's crap right now isn't it?" A deep voice spoke.

"Just say yes and your life will change for the better kid." A scratchy voice spoke.

Usually people would want to go home and cry to their mommy. You would rather not go home and talk to your friends about it. Or just plainly keep it to yourself.

To be honest, you already missed them.

Mostly because you opened your eyes and saw everything.

It appeared like an abandoned bar, a very dark one. The villains were all gathered together staring at the person in front.

It was Katsuki. He was in a big chair, his wrists with chains and his ankles tied to the seat. He had on a very annoyed face.

"Like hell I'm going to join you psycho assholes." Bakugou growled at them between angrily gritted teeth.

No one seemed to notice your presence in the dreary room. You were afraid to speak up.

Until someone took that job from you. "Tomura did you have another child in mind? Or is it perhaps a stowaway?" A purple blob much like the portal spoke. Only they had piercing yellow mists on the side.

This caused all the heads to turn, including your boyfriend's.

"Oh, it's a girl." A man with a purple scarred face pointed at you. His eyebrow was lifted up, but you could see his teeth in the slight smile he gave.

Katsuki's crimson red orbs went wide. "Y/n? What the hell are you doing here?" Katsuki spoke in a unbelievable exasperated tone.

"I-I saw an opening through the portal thingy and I, followed you?" You told him with a shaky voice in a questioning way.

The males red eyes that were once wide went to their original squint again. "Why? Why would you follow me here?! I told you to! I told you to stay back. Why the hell would you even have that idea in your stupid brain?" Bakugou said with mixed emotions.

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