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I wrote gone like that for a reason, aHeM everyone's dads still here though. Why am I laughing? No clue. Enjoy ~

The group was in the pool, staring at you and Bakugou underwater from the surface.

"They have been down there for a while. By a while I mean thirty repeating seconds." Kirishima said pointing at the blurry pool water with a shaky finger.

Neito patted, more like slapped, the red headed boy on his bare arm. It left a red finger mark.

"Not to freight shark boy I'm sure there alright! Don't get me wrong I could care less if Bakugou stays there and drowns in his misery. I just don't want to loose the best precious Y/n in my life." Neito said with a cute puppy face replacing the bloody kill one from just seconds ago.

Denki covered his wet face again. "Y/n can't die. Why are you all going after her? Why why WHY?" Your brother said with much misery.

Hitoshi was beginning to comfort and pat Denki slowly again. Sero swam up to them.

"No need to worry bro! Your hot sister and Bakugou a probably just taking it slow and making out under there who knows?" He said with a chuckle.

The black haired male tried to make him feel better, it all ended with Hitoshi giving him a glare.

Sero's eyes widened as the chuckle died down to become scared. "Woah okay calm down sleep deprived dude. I'm not trying to hurt your boyfriend." A small smirk came up on Sero's face as Kirishima and Jirou held their snickers in.

Mina was out of the pool with her phone in hand. She recorded the scene the moment Bakugou had thrown you inside the pool.

If her phone got wet, everyone was going to go to it's funeral. Good thing my photos are backed up. She evilly thought in her mind, soon a new addition to her sPiCy album of you and Bakugou.

The pink alien like girl had enough of the cute couple scene and swam back into the water hearing more drama. Her horns were like antennas just waiting for trouble and love.

"At least I have one, expresso depresso." Hitoshi said with a creepy smile. Denki's eyes bolted with his quirk. "Not me! I already have to deal with him! They haven't even come up yet!" Denki yelled frantically smashing his hand in the water to point under the water.

Hitoshi shrugged with a lazy sigh. "Yeah I kinda don't care about Bakugou. On the bright side you know I won't go after your sister." He spoke keeping the creepy smile on.

Then, Kirishima, Sero, and Neito all stood in front of the two. "She's dating Bakugou but we won't mind if we can talk." They all spoke in sync picking up their hands in a phone motion.

Kirishima had on a toothy grin. Sero was smirking filled with laughter ready to burst. Neito, was himself with a sadistic laugh.

Jirou and Mina soon joined them. "Y/n attracts all genders." They shrugged and grinned innocently.

Denki was about to scream, but a splashing noise from behind everybody caused heads to turn.

"Aww look it's the beautiful mermaid Y/n and the sea goblin Bakahoe!" Neito clapped his hands with a bright grin.

You and Bakugou were breathing heavily needing much oxygen from kissing underwater. "Time to go under again." Katsuki's wet abs pressed against your swimsuit that was sticking to your body.

"Oh no we're not going back under." You patted his now wet ash blonde spikes down, laughing at his new hairstyle.

Bakugou knew what you were laughing at and scowled. "Fine then, I guess the top it is." His facial expression was soon replaced with a slick smirk.

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