Real Parent Love

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Minor changes made, since I want to write more stories. This book will not be going to the future, maybe when it gets bigger. Filler. Enjoy ~

"Wakey Wakey you little slut! Time to cook the fucking breakfast!" You heard your mother scream.

"It's five in the morning!" You yelled back with sleepy puffy red eyes.

The word in the dictionary called sleep, was no longer in your schedule.

"I guess this is how Hitoshi feels." You laughed very lightly huddling with the soft blanket. "I miss him." Your voice cracked sadly wiping a tear that had fallen.

"I don't give a shit if it's three in the morning! You're making food for your father lazy ass!" Your mother yelled louder, her footsteps traveling closer.

"M/n please keep it quiet, Azami would cry if she sees me leave. I'll just buy something quick while heading to work, leave Y/n to sleep." You heard your dads kind voice.

It made you want to cry from scratch again. It was only sometimes when your dad was around, and he actually cared about you.

"They just miss Denki." You sucked in a shaky breathe and relaxed.

"No I don't care if she has to wake up early, you need to eat here. And whether she likes it or not, she's getting out of the damn bed." Your mother came closer and slammed the door open.

You could've sworn you heard several cracking noises after.

"Don't slam anything please, I want my room to be sturdy or else I'm taking Denki's." You spoke quietly in bed.

M/n pulled your hair from under the pillow harshly, and ripped the blanket off of you. The cold air touched your arms, you didn't care.

It felt, as if you were no longer human. You didn't feel anything.

"I can slam whatever I want this is my house. Like hell your taking my favorite twins room when he's gone!" She slapped your stomach.

"Exactly! He isn't here so why wouldn't I move around! Maybe I should just leave this stupid house that has you!" You yelled at her wanting to clutch your red stomach.

It hurt, it burned, but you didn't.

"And where are you going to go with no money?! Your stupid boyfriend's house so you can come back pregnant and beg? The several other men? You want your life to be little miss innocent perfect. Your a fucking mistake Y/n." There was a toxic touch in her venomous voice.

You were going to argue back, for Katsuki.

"I would and could, I know I'm a mistake. I hate having another mistake take care of me." You gritted your teeth at her.

Your mothers eyes widened like a psycho. "You little bitch. Get the fuck up." She pulled your hair, but you didn't get off the bed.

"Oh you want me to do this?! Does this make you feel better?!" Your mother suddenly ripped off all of your pajamas, leaving you in your undergarments.

She slapped your face and threw your pillow across the room. "You want me to treat you more of the slut than you already are? Put some fucking clothes on and make breakfast for your father." M/n spat out, leaving the room.

You touched your red colored scar body. The hand imprints your mother had left on you.

"Time to change." You shakily whispered to yourself.

Your heart was pumping out of your rib cage, it felt like it at least. It was going crazy because of everything you kept inside.

"I'll make money today, I'll get out of this miserable whole called my life." You looked at yourself in the mirror.

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