Hitting the Books, Literally 🍈

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Many dates came into my mind yay! Love you guys you make me sob happily. 🍈 means like sexual content. Enjoy ~

God I can't wait for this spicy album to burst! Mina thought so happy in her mind.

Her phone was full of all kinds of pictures with Bakugou and You. It was booming with blackmail worthy things in the long run as well.

Pictures of you holding hands, pictures of you both blushing though it was rarely Bakugou and mostly you. Then the newest little friend addition came into her albums, the picture of Bakugou aggressively kissing your lips over the lunch table.

The pink like alien was really Satan herself. Sometimes people wonder if she's mental, no, they know she is somewhere in that head.

This was going to be her addiction of fun. Screw that, it was her addiction. Being a hero was going into the garbage after the future of you and Bakugou.

Down the halls, a student from another class caught Mina snapping more pictures of yours and Bakugou's linked hands on her camera.

"Hey you know you can't have your phone out during school hours! It's against the rules here at UA!" The student yelled at her.

At first she thought it had been her menacing classmate Iida that wanted everything to be in place. By now, she would know he would be zooming down the halls and the first one seated in class.

"Yeah I guess I'm not following the rules. What are you going to do about it boy?" She asked grinning as Bakugou's hand squeezed your tighter, she zoomed in closer like a professional photographer.

The boy scoffed next to her. "I'll obviously contact the nearest teacher and have them discipline you for not following such and easy rule at this prestigious school." He scolded her with confusing words.

Mina sighed, her phone still in hand standing rapid like a boss. "Listen skinny jeans, as you could see my actions I honestly don't care. They could take me out if they wanted and they would be missing out. This in front of me is a life or death situation. If I don't get pictures I'll fly off the roof. If I do, I'll stop breathing for a bit and snap more. So make like someone's dad around her and shoo! Leave!" Mina waved the boy away with a smiling expression.

The boy had no control over the crazy female that made no sense. They both didn't big brain it today. God was a women, or Satan if you will, and her name was menacing Mina Ashido. The queen.

Up in front where the commotion was dying down as more students got into class, you were still holding Bakugou's big rough hand in yours.

"Bakugou people are going to see if we keep holding hands." You whispered to him, his grip on you tightening.

The ash blonde male grumbled. "I told you to call me Katsuki. And I don't give a shit if people stare at us, that's their damn problem they want to be nosy not us Y/n." Bakugou spoke underneath his breath.

Truth is, the male did catch some people's gaze. They looked at his hand while hurrying to class and remembered him from the Sports Festival win. They also saw you with slightly pink tinting around the bridge of your nose.

They blinked and eyebrows furrowed. Once they glanced up from the position again, they were met with the dangerous crimson red eyes of Bakugou.

His eyebrows were angrily pointed down as he glared at them with the smallest squinted eyes. Theirs eyes widened and they pushed through the crowd to go faster into class, practically peeing their pants.

"K-Katsuki!" You called him by his designated name with a whisper yell. "That's the thing I want to hear come from your mouth in your voice. Though I won't hear it after school when we make out again." He smirked at his smug words.

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