The Talk of Japan

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Wink wonk. I love gay culture. I'm sorry if you don't ship Shinkami but here ya go!


"So you all understand, correct?" Mr. Sekijiro had just finished explaining today's agenda.

Some hums and nods were done throughout the class. To be honest, everything he had said was just so unrealistic.

The only thing going through your mind hurt. What the fuck did he just say? You mentally said to yourself.

You had on a blank face but still nodded at your teacher's words.

A presence of something next to you rose up. The new kid, or Shinsou, raised his hand up lazily.

Mr. Sekijiro took a long blink. "Yes Mr. Shinsou?" The purple haired boy spoke.

"So to put it simple, we're going to train with 1A?" He had a weird smile on.

The male teacher sighed. "Yes it's going to be training." He slowly facepalmed.

The class grew more excited. "Hell yeah!" "I didn't understand till now." "I'll make sure to win and rip their faces off." You could guess who that last one was from.

The sadistic version of the kazoo kid's love child.

Mr. Sekijiro cleared his throat loudly on purpose to catch everyone's attention.

"But it will also be very educational for you all. I expect you to once again, be on your best behavior." He spoke and side glared at Monoma.

"Right. Thank you for that question, Mr. Shinsou." He turned back to the lazy boy, praising him.

Shinsou looked like he gave a nod but put his head down all too soon.

"Get up and let's go. We have a lot of work to do." Mr. Sekijiro made his way to the door and everyone got in line.

Here we go again. You stood up and ended up being behind Kendo. A weird presence was felt from behind you.

You gulped. What? You slowly turned your head around. It was him again.

"O-oh h-hi again." You quickly said and turned around.

She seems calm and cool. The purple boy thought and deeply chuckled. This boy is creepy. You thought shrinking down a bit.


Walking to 1A was literally just a few steps. In the halls we looked like soldiers.

Straight in line with broad shoulders. Most of us. You looked back at Shinsou. His head was staring up and he looked very tired.

Mr. Sekijiro stopped the line to say something. "We're in front of the classroom. You must obey Mr. Aizawa and I at all times. Why don't you take a look at the students. One of them might be your opponent." The male teacher said and everyone separated.

Your classmates pushed you back so you mainly just heard their conversation.

"Man these are the most famous kid's?"

"I was going to say one but screw that, their all acting crazy."

"Yeah they might be this year's ultimate crackheads."

"Where in the hell is the teacher?"

"Talk about act your age. Tch I should've been in there."

You moved around a bit and finally saw a peak at them. Woah. They weren't exaggerating.

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