Katsuki x Y/n

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I might make this book shorter with a continuation later on, so maybe until 50 chapters? Im sorry! Enjoy~

You felt like a baby, not just anyone's baby, you felt like Mitsuki's. Like she was your mother.

Babies didn't know how to express their emotions, all they did was sleep and cry.

You couldn't sleep today, maybe even for the rest of your life with your living hell at home going for a daily basis.

Crying was left as the multiple choice question. That's all you were doing in her soft and warm arms.

"I-I'm s-sorry that-that I'm b-bothering you t-two from a-a nice day." You said wiping your eyes with choked back sobs.

"Shh don't apologize Y/n, you can let it out as much as you want here." Masaru spoke patting your back gently reassuring you.

"T-thank you." You said sniffling and holding the tissue Mitsuki gave you, your mother couldn't even offer something that was less than a dollar.

"There's no need to thank us for something as small as this, we care for you as much as Katsuki does alright? We love you like a family." She kissed your head on top and rubbed you kindly.

You released more tears hearing her words. "T-thank y-you. I-I d-don't know what else t-to say." You cried feeling the motherly love make way into your body.

"I'm sorry your life has had some turns Y/n, your family other than your brother doesn't seem to care do they?" Mitsuki asked when you told her about your mom.

Mitsuki had the child services number saved onto her phone just in case things got worse.

"N-no, but I'm g-glad you d-do. Or do y-you? I don't w-want to c-cause trouble on y-your end." You spoke while Mitsuki softly smiled and wiped your tears.

"Of course we care, a whole lot much. I know your special to Katsuki, you helped him various times. We thank you Y/n, you're an angel little baby." Mitsuki called you that name again making a smile appear on your face.

As more tears streamed down your face in their warm arms.

Far apart at school, Katsuki felt something squeeze his chest.

Why the hell does my body do this all of a damn sudden? He asked grasping his hero costume, he felt his heart strings being pulled.

Katsuki and 1A were all wearing their hero costumes while walking towards a training area. Mr. Aizawa hadn't told them about the lesson, so most of them had their curious mind on the mystery.

Your boyfriend had his mind stuck on you, thinking of a plan to make the school being you back and into the dorms.

What the hell should I do? I need Y/n here. As he thought to himself more footsteps, or several, came from in front of them.

It was 1B, your former class. All of the students were in their hero costumes as well.

"Hey it's the 1A losers thinking their better than us getting the bigger arena. You guys aren't special always causing destruction." Neito said checking one of his time watches on his tuxedo styled costume.

Hitoshi sighed underneath his black mask that he added on. Neito seemed back to his normal self on the outside.

On the inside, he was hurt. He remembered you weren't besides him, there to call out and stop him or pat his shoulder.

Your friends Neito and Hitoshi knew you told him to be happy, but they couldn't. They had to do something.

Neito smirked at Bakugou sending some sort of signal, Katsuki was confused but understood as your previous class walked away.

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