Outcast on the Sidelines

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M/n means mothers name. Enjoy~

You decided to do the project on Best Jeanist. I mean he was the only hero that came into mind.

Everyone else would for sure be doing someone like All Might or Endeavor. The more known and so called stronger heroes.

You prefered the heroes that used strategies to win like Best Jeanist. His quirk was always another bonus to stop villains but he thought smart.

You could see it in his eye's as a kid looking at him on television. He inspired you to be your best and was the first ever person that encouraged you to want to become a hero.

Other than Denki that is. Even if you haven't met Best Jeanist and didn't know much about him, now was the time to learn.

You were trying to concentrate but a bunch of footsteps were heard from outside. Some chattering was included.

One sentence from outside immediately caught your attention. "Hurry up Kaminari!" "I'm coming jeez!"

Your brother's name was called and more noise emitted. "Oh is it time already? I guess Hizashi didn't announce it yet." Mr. Sekijiro spoke to himself.

He cleared his throat and the whole classes attention went onto him. "Do you all remember those papers I sent to some of you and told you to fill then out?" He said and you were confused.

Papers to fill. What papers? You thought and looked around at the rest of your classmates. Most of them nodded.

What? "Great. I saw who did do it and they were for this year's sport's festival." He said.

Sport's festival?! Is that today? I didn't train or anything! You thought panicking in your head at your teacher's words.

"The one's who I gave the papers to and signed them early get to participate. All of the classes other than 1A had to fill those papers since there are too many kids this year." Mr. Sekijiro spoke.

Monoma from around you made a scoff come from his mouth. "Those bastards from 1A piss me off." He spoke in a sadistic tone earning a kick from Kendo.

"The one's who are participating have training suits that I will be putting on your desk. Go to the locker room and change quickly. The rest of you follow me to the arena. We're already late." The male teacher said once again and put UA training uniforms on specific student's desks.

I don't remember getting a paper but maybe dad signed it. If I'm Denki's sister I have to go with him. Right? You spoke to yourself and were making up other scenarios in your head.

You were a little too captivated in your trance because Mr. Sekijiro was done passing out uniforms.

You snapped out of the day dreaming thoughts and looked at your desk. No training uniform lied on your desk. You stared around and saw other's leaving.

Like Kendo, Monoma, and Ibara. All of the very unique and talkative students in the class. I'll never be enough. You smiled sadly as they quickly ran out to the lockers.

The only students there were you and two others. This really sucks now. You thought and Mr. Sekijiro cleared his throat.

"Well seeing that everyone else's gone and I didn't put uniforms on the desks. Follow me to your assigned seats." He sat up from his chair.

You stood up with the rest of the students and sadly sighed. Dusting off your sucky school uniform and thinking about what awaits you.


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