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No ones POV:

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No ones POV:

All of the new students part of the 1B class were all seated quietly. Some were staring outside of the window. Some were actually talking while in their seats since it was a pretty small class. The students were all present today and not a single seat empty. Except for the teachers.

Just then the door was opened rather harshly and in stepped a very tall man with a very well built body. It was Vlad King the pro hero. Who also happened to take this job and become this classes teacher. Guess some of us spoke a little too soon.

He had marched into the classroom with many eyes on him and made his way towards the middle of the classroom. As soon as he stopped he faced his class. It didn't seem to many of the students that he would be a very nice teacher like the one everyone had in 1st grade. After all it was the one and only UA high, and they were being taught by one of the society's pro heros.

Y/ns POV:

The teacher walked into class and I immediately knew which pro hero he was. It was the one and only Vlad King ! He actually is a cool hero except for the fact that he looks rather scary. Maybe he will be nice and lighten up for this class?

"Hello and good morning class I will be your new teacher, many of you may have heard of me as Vlad King while taking down villains but in this school and class you call me Mr. Sekijiro you hear!" His voice was very deep and loud but I don't think anyone would want to get kicked out so we all responed fast and politely.

"Yes Mr. Sekijiro!" Everyone nodded after. Some with visible frightening faces on and some just looked calm. Good thing im good at hiding my emotions. "Alright first I will take role call and in order we will introduce ourselfs." He stated firmly.

One girl with vine looking hair raised her hand to speak. Mr. Sekijiro gave her the okay nod to speak. "How will we go up and present ourselfs, what will we say?" She looked very shy but I can sense this dark aura from her. Maybe shes different on a battle field.

"All you will do is step in front of the class say your name and quirk then describe it to us." Well that seems easy but maybe not for me. Im not shy but I hate to interact with people. "Alright first going up is Itsuka Kendo is she here today?" "Present Mrs. Sekijiro!"

It was the girl that was sitting to the left of me. She had bright orange hair and pretty teal eyes. They were very large and she also looked very nice. Maybe we can be friends? She got up from her seat and introduced herself to the class.

"Hello everyone my name is Kendo Itsuka and my quirk is big fist!" Her fist immediately turned into a huge had and looked like it could crush everyone right then and there. Or maybe not. Kendo walked back to her seat next to me and Vlad Kind continued.

Until I was next. I wasn't prepared to talk in front on the class but I didn't want to seem like a coward as a first impression to everybody because then I knew they would talk about me. I hate to socailize with new people let alone interact with them since I don't get along with many. But yet, I'm still very concerned of what they think of me(anyone get the reference).

But oh well, it's now or never. As a reached the front of the class to face the crowd all eyes were on me. I took a deep breathe and spoke up. "Hello everyone my name is Y/n Kaminari and my quirk is called calm palm. Basically I can calm anyone down if I put my palm on any part of their body." "Thank you Ms. Kaminari take a seat." "Hold up wait a second did you say Kaminari" a boy with blue eyes and blonde hair spoke up before I could move back to my seat. Apparently he wasn't listening before. Rude.

"Um yes thats my last name." To this point I was very confused. Did he see me do something illegal?! Wait that's impossible I never done anything like that. At least I think. "Ahh so that means your the sister of that electric haired boy in class 1A, how did he get in that class instead of me after all my grades are better than his!?"

His voice had grown louder with ever word he spoke until the girl from earlier, Kendo, kicked his ankle from her seat. "That's enough Monoma at least you are still seated in a high class thats all that matters!" Monoma looked pissed off and put his head back down.

Oh well. And just so every person in here knows I may be Denkis twin sister but we are different in many ways. As I walked back to my seat I gave that Monoma a glare. I could see him slightly smirk or smile with his head down. Geez this kid has some sadistic problems.

"Now that we have all introduced ourselfs we will have a little-" "WHHHAAATTT". Mr. Sekijiro was interupted by some very loud noises. It wasn't even coming from our class! He paused and sighed looking over to the wall behind everyone.

"I really need to move classes the volume in that class 1A is always ear raping". Some kids tried to hold in laughter but some didn't succeed. "Anyways right now we are going outside in our gym uniforms to" aww please say hero training or something "test our composer for running." Huh what does that mean?! "This means that we will be running 14 laps around the track and it will be timed for under 7 minutes. If you pass good job if you don't then try harder next time." "Now up and at them lets go!"

Everyone got up fast inculding me also. Well this is going to be just great.


We were all outside and in our blue gym uniforms getting ready at the starting line. "Three two one start!" It was like a herd of really fast cows moving. Lucky for me I have great running skills so this should be easy.

Just after running one lap a few kids were falling behind. As we got to 4 laps more and more kids continued to fall behind and catch their breathe. One boy was literally tying his shoe!

I kept running with some kids until another class caught my eye. It was 1A amd Denki! They seemed to be having a chat with which I assumed was their teacher. But after they started throwing small balls up in the air with their quirks!! Meanwhile we were out her running.

"DIIIEEEEE!" There was a huge explosion followed after a huge scream. Geez there so loud Mr. Sekijiro was right about volume!

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