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How come my mom treats me so different? I'm trying the best I can, why is living hard?

Thoughts ran into your ear, inside your brain, and out the other. Small droplets of water dripped down your face as you stared up at the ceiling.

You sniffed and flipped around on your bed not wanting to cry at this hour. Especially when school was just around the corner.

I wish I was like Denki. Everyone seems to just adore him. His life is already set, and he's happy.

You looked at the curtain swaying because of the fan in your room. Stealing glances of the beautiful night sky with owls perched on the tree branches.

Your eyelids dropped down. Soon, you were overcome by a darkness we call sleep.

One last wet tear dripping from your eyelashes.


"C'mon Y/n we're going to be late for school!" Denki shouted from the bathroom with toilet paper stuck on his pants from the back.

"Haha Denki you have paper on your butt." Azami giggled from the couch. She didn't have school today, lucky.

"Oh shut up Azami I'm in a rush! Y/n!" Denki still called out for his sister who was in the kitchen. "Okay Denki." Azami quickly said and zipped her mouth up.

"Y/N!" Denki screamed more worryingly. "Ugh Denki I'm going to kill you!" You shouted back coming out of the kitchen with strawberry jam in your hand.

"O-oops did I cause that?" Denki pointed at the sticky mess and chuckled nervously.

"Yup. And I'm still holding this." You picked up the butter knife that was minding it's own business.

Denki was getting ready to run for his life with a loose shoelace but a similar laugh was heard again.

"Haha Y/n you're all sticky and look like a troll from your hand." Azami laughed while she held her gut.

"Shut up Azami." You told her and tried the same thing as Denki did earlier when she laughed at him.

"No!" She stuck her tounge out at you and made a dumb face. You sighed.

Of course it didn't work. She only listens to Denki and everyone else but me. You walked over and wiped the jam away.

"Guess I won't eat breakfast today. Let's go Denki." You grabbed your bag and headed for the door.

"Finally Y/n!" Your brother said and grabbed his bag from the table.

He started to walk but soon tripped because his shoelaces were still untied. "I swear your so clueless Denki." You ran over to him and helped him up.

Your brother dusted his uniform off and he stood up chuckling. "Yeah I guess I am. And would you mind?" He sent another nervous laugh your way while pointing at his red tie.

You sighed but it soon turned into a chuckle. "Sure Denki. Can't have people making fun of you now can we?" You said looking only at his tie. Like they do to me. You sadly smiled.

"Now we're ready to go! Bye mom!" Denki went ahead. "Bye Denki have a nice day sweetie!" She smiled back at him pulling her hair into a braid.

"Bye mom." You said. Even if she doesn't like me, I should be the bigger person. You thought and nodded.

You heard your mom grunt before speaking in less emotion. "Bye Y/n." She waved her hand lazily. You rolled your eye's and tried not to slam the door on the way out.

𝐓𝐔𝐓𝐎𝐑 ᝰ 𝐤.𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now