Always Y/n Smh

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Smh- means shake my head. Someone in the comments once said it and my friend did so I did research and it's just funny to me. Enjoy~

After saving you from the villains and the mysterious liquid that Dabi injected into your neck, you were all walking back in a close group with each other.

You had all stopped due to a huge screen coming into your view where everyone was surrounding it. You recognized it as the fighting scene with helicopters around.

Kirishima was talking with Midoriya quietly while looking up to see a hurt All Might and horrid scene. Denki was quiet most of the time but still joined them, he held Hitoshi's hand.

Neito was besides Hitoshi, he held on a smile but his face still showed gloomy and sadness. He was waiting for the right time for everyone to cheer up.

Katsuki was still at your side holding your hand tightly, showing no signs of letting go.

You smiled in his warm touch, no longer having a blurred vision from the steady tears. Your breathing was better, you felt safe knowing Katuski was with you again.

I promise to always be there, never let her go. Katsuki internally thought about you, you also thought of his words.

"Y/n, I'm so hap- I'm uh, glad that you were able to come back to me." Bakugou whispered with a smile, staring up at the screen.

You were also staring at the confusing worded screen in front of you. Katsuki's words caused your head to turn.

For a minute, they landed on his jawline and you stared. Katsuki felt your gaze on him and glanced at you.

His crimson red eyes held a soft sparkling gaze at you. A giggle escaped your lips while staring up at your sweet boyfriends rare smile.

It was especially rare when multiple people were around. Even people you knew.

"Why did you change your words? You didn't want to say happy?" You asked with cheekily raised eyebrows questioning him.

Katsuki's smile went to become blank. "I- of course I wasn't going to say that. I'll turn all sappy, I still want to stay tough as I am. You won't change that, yet." He added quietly in the end.

A small pout came across his lips like a little child. You held in a snort from coming out by biting your inner lip.

The ash blonde noticed your expression and rolled his red eyes. "Stop holding in a hyena laugh, what the hell are you even laughing about?" He asked lightening up your mood.

"What are you talking about? You know I already turned you into a softy." You let out the kept in laugh with a giggle.

Your free hand went up to untangle some of his tense pointed knots. His hair was still soft as a cloud.

"Maybe." He chuckled pulling your body closer. Your chest lay on his as your linked fingers held each other gently.

Katsuki leaned his head down, your elbow bent in his hair from the sudden change of his held height. His lips went in top of yours to brush against them.

"I want to hold you and carry you and never let you go away." Katsuki spoke in a deep raspy voice, the hotness of his breath landing on your lips.

His warm nose was touching your cold frosty one. "Your sounding like a little kid with a toy." You giggled, lips kissing softly.

"Then I guess you're my toy Y/n." He chuckled deeply and gave you a passionate kiss under the moonlight.

Not caring if any one saw, after all, Katsuki just wanted you. As if you were gone, he wanted to promise you everything into a kiss.

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