S, H or Sleep Deprived

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Who's initials are those?


The walk to UA the next day was weird.

Heck so weird your brother didn't asked you to tie his tie!

The only noise that was heard were the angry drivers honking and yelling. Plus Denki's feet constantly kicking the pebbles and rocks on the sidewalk.

If Denki doesn't tell me something in the next minute I swear I'm going to grab a bat and break his ankles. You thought. Anger finally fuming inside of you for the first time.

"I'm sorry." Denki released. Mans just got saved for another day that's what he did. You thought with a relief, but soon became confused.

Sorry? "What? Why are you sorry?" Denki sighed kicking his last rock. "So long partner." He whispered looking back at it.

You smacked your lips together. "Denki?" You said between gritted teeth. "Sorry! It's just, HOW did you get Bakugou to talk to you?!" He said messing his hair up while looking ahead.

You sighed. "Really? That's why our sibling bond broke for a day? Because of a boy?!" You wanted to go off but you know, something called kid's were in the way.

"Well yeah." Denki's voice grew lower as he shoved his hands in his pant pockets with a tiny shrug.

"I don't want to see a guy. Especially a hot head win you over." He spoke catching you off guard.

Damn they call him hot head and he's hot- NO bad Y/n! You mentally slapped yourself for that.

You chuckled, bringing your mind back down to earth. "Oh brother. I won't let some dude come in the way of our good sibling life. You're the only one I have, that loves me." You whispered the last part.

Luckily being the dumb human being he is, the humanized pikachu didn't hear.

"Really Sis? That's pretty cheesy if ya ask me." He laughed. You playfully punched his side with a smile.

"Shut up! Or do you really want to know the truth?" You gave him a teasing look.

"Wait you were lying?!" He panicked again. "No you idiot!" You tried so hard not to slap him.

A sigh escaped his lips and he wiped the fake sweat on his forehead. "Phew. I thought I needed to call the army for a second there." A cheeky smile formed.

"There's the dork I know and love." You stepped closer to rub his fluffy hair. "Stop it! I'm the older one!" He yelled fixing his hair.

"You already ruined it! And you're older by like 2 minutes!" You slammed his backpack causing him to almost trip and meet his doom.

Arriving at school wasn't so bad. But it wasn't exactly great either.

Once you walked in with Denki you saw those three girls from lunch.

They were hanging out by the trash cans. Next to them you saw familiar people.

"Hey look there they are!" Your brother exclaimed from beside you. "What who?" You asked in a confused manor.

"My friends. Let's go!" Denki grabbed your wrist to make you follow. "Hey stop with the arm pulling!" You yelled after him.

"Aye guys!" You and Denki came to a stop.

Multiple greetings were said. You paid attention to Bakugou and saw that he was using a red haired boy as a shield.

He must be using the sunshine boy as a shield so he won't interact. You thought and giggled at the thought.

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