Your Twin

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Last chapter is really moving this forwards! Yay me and thank you all for supporting me still! Enjoy ~

It was like the plague. The worst moment in history.

No water. No food. No electricity. All based on man kind survival in this resourceful world known as tough life to most people.

At least, that's not at all what was going on in this water gun war.

This would have been how the idiots would have described it.

"Ow! OW! It already got in my eye dude calm your balls down! Argh damn! I stay down here take everything! Just not my wallet it's already empty." Sero pleaded as a maniac standing above him.

Also trapping him in a bush in the process. None other than your new friend, Monoma.

"Aww come on tape boy! I think it's just like, two more water squirts and that's it!" He laughed like a crazy person and shot more water on his training uniform.

"There see! I'll just take this now soggy piece of gum you had in your pocket. Seriously where do you shop at that your so poor?" He asked helping him up, surprisingly.

Sero let out a relaxed sigh. "Dollar stores are my jam, and flies are my spirt animal." He patted his shoulder laughing.

Monoma fake laughed along as Sero still kept patting his shoulder. "Don't touch me." Monoma said in between his laughs seriously deep.

The other male immediately retracted his arm that he wanted to keep in life. "Alright holy crap. Who in the world raised you?" Sero asked with a scared face.

Monoma chuckled with a sinister grin. "What would you say if I told you I was raised by an alien and a demon." He said tapping his chin.

Sero was fully petrified. "I-I w-really? D-deadass?" He shakily said. "Nope! Lovely mother and father." Monoma's mood changed entirely as he patted his head and left to refuel his water gun.

"What the hell is wrong with that guy?" Sero whispered to himself. "If I had to choose I'd say everything." A creepy lazy voice startled Sero from behind.

"AGH! O-oh Shinsou. Y-you hehe." Sero said, nervous laughter dying down. "Hello. I'll make it easy for you, run." Shinsou said getting his water gun ready.

Sero gulped. "Will do." He said, front row seat for Shinsou of his soul coming out of his body. The purple haired boy smirked counting down from five.

Away from the death prepare of Sero, you were busy yourself.

"Alright I'm sure none of them will find me here." You spoke to yourself from behind a bush, carefully on the lookout for any thing.

It was so quiet, you were starting to grow worried if anyone came.

"Boo." A deep voice said from in front of you. Shocked you quickly tried to lift your water gun up, but there was a pressure so strong, it didn't move an inch.

You glanced up at the tall figure that was hovering over you, stopping all of your escape plans and exits.

Meeting with the one and only famous hot crimson red eyes. Bakugou was so close as you were underneath him, his spiky ash blonde tips tickled your forehead a bit.

"H-hey t-that wasn't cool at all." You stuttering feeling a blood rush hit your cheeks. Bakugou smirked, along with a short chuckle escaping his lips.

The males hot breath tickled at just below your nose. A mere movement from him caused a butterfly to bloom inside your stomach.

"I wasn't trying to be cool." Bakugou sternly said before pressing his oddly soft lips on your cold ones. The temperature in your lips changed once his warm ones were placed on yours. A thousand butterflies now lighting up your stomach.

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