Different is correct

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Y/ns POV:

*beep* *beep*

"Mmm five more minutes."

*bEep* *BeEp*

I took my head out from under the pillow I was sleeping on because of those last two strange beeps. "Okay but why did those two sound aggressive?" "Kids get ready for school!" I heard my mom shout with that loud screech of hers.

The lord and savior didn't warn me that my mom was going to be a pterodactyl. I thought there was only two genders, male and female. (Not to discriminate all the nonbinary, asexual, bisexual, etc. Your all great).

"Well my days off to a great start" I said sarcastically and rolled out of my comfortable bed. I had already ironed my uniform for the school last night and it was placed hanging neatly on the opening of my closet.

But first I have to brush my teeth because then like last time I will end up going to school with water and toothpaste on my shirt. After I was done brushing my teeth I went to my closet and started to put on the uniform.

When I was finished....... I hated it. Why did we have to wear ties? It's literally choking me. Why are the skirts so short? Did they expect skinny big chest girls? Not all bodies are the same. After fixing and adjusting everything for about 5 minutes it looked natural again.

"Now time for this monster." I turned to the mirror in my room and looked at the huge mess of (curly/ straight/ wavy) hair from my bed head. "At least I know I slept well" I started to brush my lion main and put it into its normal hairstyle.

"Yes finally Im ready!" I walked downstairs and all I saw was dad walk out the door and go to work. Seconds later Denki came down looking like an idiot. Whats new. "Hey my favorite twin sister can you help me please?" "Oh dear all might what the hell did you do!" I was laughing so hard at him in front of me.

"Hey no one ever said tieing a tie was hard" he whined. "Yeah well why didn't you practice like you said you would?" I put my hands on my hips. "Nope I was hoping Spongebob Squarepants would have taught me how he ties it considering he made an episode on how to tie your shoes." He put his hand on his chin souding like a scientist.

"I know and that still didn't even work I taught you." I started to tie the red tie. "Yeah true." I rolled my eyes. "I still can't believe your the older one."
Denki stuck his tounge out on me.

"So y/n I was thinking we could walk to school since its a nice morning out and its the first day." I sure didn't want mom to drive us and dad was out already. "Okay sounds good!" Just then some footsteps were coming down from the stairs.

"Oh are you both leaving already?" "Yeah we decided to walk" Denki spoke up. "Alrighty then have a good day Denki do good okay?" She gave him a kiss on his forehead. "Yeah I'll try hehe." I wanted to laugh but I knew I wouldn't hear the end of it. Typical Denki. "And I guess you to y/n" she turned over to me. "Fine." I put a straight face on.

Somehow I felt like Denki could feel the tension between us so he made this move quickly. "Okay well we got to go now bye!" We both ran out the door.

We were walking out on the street now and Denki was right. It was a very nice day. There were cherry blossoms moving with the wind of the day. The air was not cold but cool against my legs and hair. It seemed to be most kids first day of school because there sure were a lot of people on the street with their kids.

Mostly little 5 year olds who seemed to be going to kindergarten. But of course they were happy. They were at an innocent young age and without a care about education or the world. After all they seemed like they had good parents. Moms smiling at them while the talk and the dads swinging them in their arms.

I wish I had that feeling. Or someday maybe I can make someone feel like that. That is if I dont become a hero.

"Hey y/n what are ya daydreaming about?" Denki pulled me out of my thoughts and I turned to see him with his hands on his head. He looked dumb again. Hopefully he makes a good first impression.

"Just about the old school days and how are family used to be." "What do you mean our families still the same. Except for Azami." He stated. "Not how big it grew about how, how mom changed." Denki noticed how the emotion in my voice changed.

"Hey y/n it's okay as long as we stick together and grow up to be good everything is going to be fine!" He smiled brightly. "Yeah thanks Denki." I smiled back.

The sooner than we knew. We had arrived at UA high. It was HUGE to say the least. "Im guessing your thinking the same thing" I heard Denki and we both slowly turned our heads to look at each other. "Yup lets do this." I was determined to make the best of this school year.

We walked onto the campus and there was already so much commotion before getting into our actual classes. There was a broccoli haired boy crying for his life while a girl was talking to him. Kids were chasing each other and screaming. There was only this one chill pink girl with her earphones in and walking calmly.

Damn I hope I get her in one of my classes I thought to myself. Denki and I entered the building and looked around for our classrooms. If we found Denkis mines would be next door. "Hey I see the 1A sign!" Denki grabbed my wrist and pulled me over. "Boy are these doors built for elephants." I looked up and Denki opened the door. Same thing as outside. A kid with glasses was screaming at this blonde boy. He was actually cute. Most kids were up and standing. The teacher wasn't even there!

"Well have a good day Denki imma get to my class." We both waved and I soon found my class. As I opened the door I awaited my destiny. The class was all in their seats and calm! Except for this one kid that was laughing to himself. "This is going to be a long day."

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