Only You 🍋

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AYEEE finally made it this far, I'll probably do one more because I'm lonely, how fun. 🍋 lemon mature content. Enjoy ~

It was already late in the afternoon, the sun was barley turning the sky into an orange and red canvas heading to set.

Yet, it was still chaotic. Idiots never sleep.

"FBI open up!" Neito yelled and knocked on the door.

"Man, I'm going to use that catch phrase every time someone comes in my room and doesn't close the door. Expect imma knock on their head." Sero thought scratching his chin thinking he was a genius.

"Sweet. I bet, Y/n closed to door every time. Did she?" Hitoshi asked Denki who was holding his hand.

He felt his boyfriends hand grip his own slightly tighter. "Y/n, she always did. It got to the point where I didn't even need to ask. I remember one time, I saw a red hand mark on her cheek, but she still smiled to tell me dinner was ready." Denki thought of that time.

His electric bright yellow eyes saddened, the texture on them became glossy.

Denki didn't want to hear it, but it was stuck crystal clear. He thought back at the time when he heard your crying screams, tear stained eyes as Azami was whining.

It was all because you placed the wrong sticker on a puzzle Azami was supposed to do for school, she was using you.

Your mother raged, Denki was shaking upstairs in his room. He had a project to do and needed mega concentration.

Realizing it now, he should have went down.

You were always at his rescue first, like that time. His feet were shakily moving out of his chair when you came in.

The sight was dreary. Your hair was a mess with clumps of pulled hair, eyes puffy red and a bright red cheek, along with grey eye bags.

From the corner of your lips there was a little cut, dripping with a bit of red blood.

Still, you had a smile on your face. A 'happy' one, and you softly said the dinner was ready.

"Oh sorry Denki. I shouldn't have asked that. We'll bring her back to school right now." Hitoshi gave him a side reassuring hug.

Denki sniffled and smiled genuinely. "Thanks Hitoshi. I hope so." Your brother sighed and Neito was suddenly laughing.

"There's no need for hope! You have the best angel in task here, me obviously! I'll make them bring the lovely Y/n back whether the decide yes or no." He chuckled with a grin.

Neito cracked his knuckles and fingers hard, he read a demon on the inside.

"Alright! And I'm Cupid so I'll give it straight to them!" Mina cheered pumping a fist in the air.

"How the hell do you guys still have so much energy? I just want to get this over with and bring Y/n back." Jirou gave a strained lazy smile.

Hitoshi had found one of his own people, but Jirou actually slept so only at times she was valid.

"Dear lord please don't hurt me, c-come in." They heard a squeaky voice from inside.

Neito blew on his nail and dusted off his shirt. "With me, you shall never loose. You can still be poor I won't change that, but never loose." He was in sadist mode and the others sweat dropped.

"Yes sir we don't have any weapons to drop, only if you count my brain!" Neito said in a song song way and entered the office like a professional.

Mina followed him with a prideful walk and everyone else just cramped themselves inside.

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