Sexist much mother

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Warnings: Bullying and mentions of body types!!!


Y/ns POV:

The last of the class had finally finished the laps we were supposed to do and boy were we sweating. And meanwhile on the otherside of us was 1A having the time of their life using their quirks. I know mines isn't that show stopping or powerful but I still want to learn how to make better use of it.

"Great work most of you" Mr. Sekijiro moved his eyes to the two of the last finishers. They looked embarrassed as some of my new classmates turned their heads to look at them. Come on this wasn't even that important!

"Now since we finished rather early we can see 1A at work with their quirks. Hopefully to learn something from them, like a small lesson. Now take a seat on an open close spot area." Great now I can be even more depressed while looking at them!

We all took seats on the grassy area parts since no one wanted mud on their gym outfits. I didn't sit close by anyone and no one seemed to want to sit next to me either. The kids in 1A were doing so many fun things like relays and obstacle courses together. Everyone seemed really competitive in that class. Who wouldn't be though? They are all the best of the best!

As we were watching them work with their cool and flashy quirks I saw Denki talking to this spiky red haired dude. That is until he saw me, and he waved with a small smile. I of course waved back being the good sister I am. "Ohh who's that a crush already?" "Gahhh what the hell?!" I tried not to scream but someone just appeared beside me! "Oh sorry I didn't mean to frighten you, Im Yui Kodai." "Yes I remember you from up front, im y/n."

"Nice to meet ya you had eyes for a boy over in 1A?" She came slightly closer seated to me. "Ew no thats my twin brother" I said while making a disgusted facial expression. "Oh haha my bad you two dont look alike." Another one of those people who think  twins really need to look alike. "Yeah we get that a lot, he looks more like my mom and I look like my dad" I rubbed my neck. "Nice mix."

Maybe I did make a friend? But technically we just started talking because of Denki again. Its always been like that, nothing new. Just stealing the spotlight. I can't be jealous of my own brother though. Right?

"Alright that should be enough education for today lets go back to class, you have an assigbment that needs to be done." Some groans were heard from my classmates but we kept walking. Denki still seemed to be having fun as it was going to be his turn. Hopefully he doesn't short circuit.

Back in Class°~

"Since everyone had a chance to run the full laps we can now have an assignment." It was still quiet. Something was wrong. "Plus some homework for tonight" he said writing on the board.

"Awwww man."

"Dude this sucks."

"That's some total bs dude."

"Oh come on we need this to pass those stupid 1A losers."

Yup I knew something was up. Except for that last kid though he has some hatred problems towards them. "Th assignment is how you felt going around the first time, in the middle, and your thoughts on finally finishing the laps." That is pretty easy though. "And it needs to be signed by a parent to show it is at an educated writing level." Oh all might have mercy on me for when I get home.

"You may write a draft of the paper in class since it's only 20 minutes till lunch and fully finish the paper at home for tomorrow." He handed out papers to us all and we got our pencils from out backpacks. Good thing I came prepared. "Start now."

Before everyone knew it, it had been time for lunch.

~In the Cafeteria~

It was HUGE! I mean don't get me wrong the schools pretty big too and there are a lot of students here but holy tolito! There were so many kids already either getting lunch or sitting in each of their friend groups. I wish I had a group as close as those people.

I had brought my own bento box filled with (favorite food) so I didn't need to wait in that long snake line. There was just one problem. I didn't know most people so I didn't know where to sit. I looked around and saw Denki. Maybe I can hang out with him?

He had already had a friend group and they seemed to be chatting and laughing away while eating. Except for this one angry looking pomeranian. I didn't want to be a burden again so I soon found a table close to a trash can that was empty. "Eh might as well."

I arrived at the table and just stared at my found in the box. I wasn't that hungry or in the mood to eat right now. As soon as I was about to get up a group of 3 girls had came and stood in front of me. "Um can I help you?" I glared at the one in the middle.

She seemed to be the leader with pink hair, grey eyes, tons of makeup, and a sassy look on her face. The one to her left looked very sweet somehow with purple eyes, dirty blonde hair, and a small figure. The last one on the right looked annoyed with orange sunset eyes, black hair, and a chocker. Emo am I right?

"This is our spot so why dont you just get up" the leader spoke. "Yeah loser" the emo one replied. "Yeah you-you wannabe hero!" "Ugh Marci let us do the talking" the leader said. "S-sorry Zoria." "Actually I was just leaving." "Great then move you fat ass out of my seat." Her name isn't one here but whatever.

I ignored what they said and left the stupid table. The only free place now was the restroom. " Sigh my favorite place since 2nd year in middle school."

~Time skip after school~

Denki and I met up at the outside entrance of the school and started ti walk home. "Hey y/n how was your day?" "I guess it was just fine lots of homework to do though." My backpack was extra heavy. "Woah you already got homeworm must be rough." "Wait you didn't." "Um no but our teacher was intense." Wow way smooth to change the subject Denki.

"Yeah why's that?" "He was tricking us about getting expelled and then-"
He talked about his day in 1A until we got home. As soon as we got there I was invisible again. "Hey Denki my sweetheart how was it?" "Yeah tell us my boy." "Oh Denki did you use your quirk so you can teach me?!"

I ran up tbe stairs and to my room to finish homework.

°35 minutes later°

I was finally done with the full paper and had to have a parent sign it. So I went downstairs of course!

"Oh hello y/n I forgot to ask about you day Denki was finishing up his." It was late and dinner was already done and he still had been talking holy all might! "It was fine all we did was homework and ran laps." "Well thats great sweetie you need to stay healthy since most girls like you gain weight awfully quickly." "What your saying im not healthy?" "Oh no of course yoy are just not in a good shape, especially for you to become a hero!" Huh sexist much mother.

"Whatever please just sign this for school." "Don't speak to your mother that way!" I will as soon as you treat your daughter like a person!


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