Buses are Encounters

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School was over. For Denki that is. And every other student that had participated in this year's UA Sports Festival.

Why you may ask? The school thought that every kid who partaked in the festival would be exhausted after all they did.

Oh boy were they right. Denki was crying like a baby trying to find someone to lean on.

Eventually he came across you in the halls. Where you were minding your own business standing in line waiting for instructions.

The rest of the class wasn't there. Just the two other students that also didn't attend the UA Sports Festival.

"Y/n that was so exhausting. I don't even know if I can live anymore." Your brother came dragging his feet along before landing his head harshly on your shoulder.

"Ah Denki! Aren't you supposed to be with your class. You should all be waiting outside of school to go home now." You said awkwardly patting your brother's sweaty head.

Your classmates stared for a moment before whistling like they didn't see a single thing.

Denki perked his head up with a confused face. "Wait a damn minute. We're supposed to be going home already?!" He scratched his head.

You giggled. "Yeah idiot. After they announced the winner's every student was supposed to be ready." You said.

"Then we gotta go home sis or we're going to be late!" Denki slightly yelled grabbing your wrist and leading you out of line.

You pulled your hand away, causing both of you to stop. "Denki wait!" You yelled back careful not to attract too much attention. Also careful not to have your wrist taken off.

"What is it Y/n? Hurry!" Denki said bouncing in place with gritted teeth. "Only the kid's who actually joined the festival. For example all of your classmates and some of mines. I wasn't included so I still have to stay until school ends." You spoke sadly rubbing your forearm.

Denki blinked twice. Then he rubbed his head again. "I don't get it." You mentally facepalmed.

You sighed and made it easier than it already was for your brother. "You get to go home." You said very carefully pointing at his chest.

The finger that was on his chest was removed. "I need to stay here." You said slowly again and pointing at yourself.

Denki's mouth went up into an 'o' shape. This probably meant that he finally understood what you were telling him.

"So I have to go now with all of my things?" He still questioned you. Now was the time to really facepalm. "Yes Denki Kaminari you needed to go minutes ago! Hurry!" You pushed him towards the classes.

"Oh alright! See ya later Y/n!" Denki quickly began running to get his things.

You wiped fake sweat from your forehead. "How dumb can he be?" You whispered to yourself while getting back in line.

In a span of minutes Mr. Sekijiro came back from taking most of the class in the front to leave UA.

"Now for the rest of you." He looked at the only three kids there. Including you to be one of them.

He rubbed his eye's. "We'll just improvise." He whispered so none of you would hear.

"Follow me." He turned around and started to walk to 1B. You followed everyone being the last in line.

Not that it really mattered because there were only two people in front.

While walking down the hall you were about to turn on the corner but bumped into someone.

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