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You can't see me, jOhN cEnA. I know I'm a comedian *no one laughs* damn alright tough crowd. It's just, pray here. Enjoy ~

While barley stepping foot in the music store, you decided to act like your brother at this very moment. Annoying as hell.

"So seeing that you wanted to come into the music store you must know how to play an instrument right?" You obliviously asked as Bakugou stared at the different models of guitars.

Bakugou sighed, a short smile held on his face. "Well no shit. I used to play when I was in middle school to control my anger issues I guess." He said walking around some more, you closely following behind.

"Oh I see, that apparently didn't work though." You spoke with a smile breaking out. Bakugou twitched his crimson red eyes at your statement, truthful statement to be more precise.

"Keep talking about me and I swear I'll leave right now." Bakugou gave you an angry glare. Your eyes widened like saucers at his words.

The ash blonde male was also taking aback, replaying the words in his head. "N-no I didn't mean it that way Y/n. Of course I didn't mean it that way, just, don't talk about my anger issues." Bakugou spoke with calm eyes and patted your head.

You returned to your usual self, shrinking down in your stance at hearing his words. But did he actually mean it that way? No duh he did Y/n what are you talking about?! Your two inner voices argued.

"Wait, did you stutter in the beginning?" Your mouth suddenly said, making another seal on your mistake. Bakugou smacked his forehead and his hand traveled down.

There was one thing that was differently displayed on his face now, he was wearing a small side smile. "Ah so now your going to be the stuttering teacher? Wanna give me a lesson instead?" He returned to his bold self, smirking.

You felt your stomach burst with butterflies again, flying quickly all around your stomach. As well as your cheeks turning as red as a tomato.

These emotions that you felt around Bakugou were becoming normal, and they were to him as well.

When the male saw your nervous face, or heard your laugh, it made him want to smile every time. When he saw your nervous state, he new that even if you were the dunce faces sister, he liked you.

He loved you. He had never felt this feeling before, it caused his ears to become pink.

"I-I n-never said I was giving you l-lessons." You stuttered crossing your arms and looking away. In a flash, your e/c eyes met with astonishing purple eyes.

It was so fast you couldn't see anything else. What was that? You thought to yourself at the weird moment.

You were brought back down to earth when a voice came into the atmosphere. "Ah customers for the first time in a while. Good afternoon my name is Mr. Jirou, is there anything I can assist you with today?" The man in a suit spoke walking up to you both.

He surely didn't recognize Bakugou because Jirou still remained anti social in his mind. She was a rebel.

Still, Bakugou remembered that last name from a girl who hung out with them at lunch, she barley even talked but he hated everyone. Hot headed maniac.

"Mr. Jirou? Nevermind, we just came inside to look. There's nothing to help with." Bakugou spoke with an annoyed face.

The man still remained with a smile on his face. "Very well then. All instruments are playable in this store to just test it out. If you lovely couple needs anything at all feel free to ask me or my da-" he was cut off by the person he was talking about.

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